“Is that all you got? Fucking pussy,” Orlando says with a sneer. “Hey, I meant to ask. Is Alessia’s pussy still tight as a drum? Does she still enjoy that thing when you—”
Finn’s head snaps up and I catch the look of feral rage in his eyes before he spins to Orlando and begins punching him in the face with his powerful fist over and over. “You. Will. Keep. Her name. Out. Of. Your mouth.” Every word is punctuated with a punch, along with a spray of blood from Orlando’s face.
My husband stops and Orlando’s head is limp, his chin falling against his chest.
Cillian walks over and waves a tube of smelling salts under that asshole’s nose. He jerks awake and glares at Cillian.
“You’re all dead when my father finds out what you did,” Orlando sneers, spitting out a mouthful of blood.
This causes a bark of laughter to burst from Finn. “You think I’m afraid of your father? All this time, you’ve been hiding behind an old man, thinking he was going to save you. No one’s coming to save you, asshole. And no one is going to avenge your death. The Cataldis and Farinas are as good as dead. Your old man can’t do shit to me.”
Finn grabs a large metal bowl that’s welded to a stand with wheels and rolls it over next to Orlando. He then takes one of Orlando’s hands from behind his back and secures it to the side of the bowl with a metal cuff.
“I know all about what you did to my wife. How you hurt her with these hands.” He walks to the table and puts on a pair of industrial rubber gloves then picks up a bottle without a label. Orlando watches him with fear in his eyes, and the gratification I feel from seeing that look on his face should scare me, but it doesn’t. Whatever Finn is about to do to him is going to hurt more than I can imagine, and I’m glad for it. I want to see him hurt and scared for all the times he had me in the same position.
When Finn reaches the bowl with Orlando’s hand secured to the side, he pours the liquid over his flesh and Orlando lets out an almost inhuman scream. I watch as his flesh bubbles and starts to melt as Orlando tries to thrash, but between Cillian holding his arm and him being strapped tightly to a chair, his movements do little.
“You know,” Finn starts as he stops pouring the acid over Orlando’s hand. “It wasn’t just you that we took from your girlfriend’s apartment.”
I’m not sure Orlando can hear him through the agony he must be feeling right now, but Finn continues. “You know how badly I can make someone hurt, Orlando.”
He nods his head toward the mirror and Sandra stands.
“Remember what we talked about,” Eoghan tells her.
Sandra nods, and Eoghan opens the door, grabs her by the arm, and shoves her into the room with a gun pointed at her head. My first instinct is to get up and yell at them to let her go, that she’s a victim in this, same as I was. But then I look into my husband’s eyes. He’s staring into the mirror, and even though I know he can’t see me, it’s as though he’s looking right at me, begging me to trust him. I take a deep breath and Finn turns toward Orlando.
“I want to know where Carlo is. For every minute you don’t give me an answer, I’m going to remove a body part from your girlfriend. Could be a nail, could be a finger, could be her entire hand.”
Orlando looks at Sandra, then Finn, but he refuses to say anything.
Finn looks at Cillian. “Get the pliers.”
Sandra lets out a bloodcurdling scream and fights in Eoghan’s hold.
“If you don’t give me what I want, Orlando, we won’t stop with your little girlfriend. I’ll send my men to your house and take your little sister. Maybe let them have some fun with her before I do to her what I’m more than happy to do to Sandra. You know, just to show you the pain I can put someone through before their body gives up.” Finn’s voice is colder than I’ve ever heard, and I have to keep telling myself that this is a show to get Orlando to talk because fuck, my husband is convincing.
Orlando’s pained breathing is heavy as he watches Cillian walk over to the table. When he turns with the pliers in his hand, Orlando breaks.
“Stop! Stop!” Orlando yells. “Fuck. I’ll tell you what I know. She doesn’t have any part in this.”
“Tell me!” Finn hollers.
“Okay. Fuck. Okay. He’s trying to partner with the Russians. He had it all set up before his dad went to prison, but he fucked up when he went after the Black Roses and the prosecutor. The Russians didn’t want that shit hanging over them. He’s been trying to sweeten the deal and even offered his sister to the pakhan’s son. I don’t know. He’s been in New York at one of their safe houses. He said if I could help him take you out and drum up support from his father’s capos and mine, he would make sure I have a seat at the table. They want Boston and the rest of Massachusetts, and they want you out of the way.”
“Do you know exactly where he is?”
“No, I swear I don’t. He wouldn’t tell me. He knows the Russians’ goodwill is only going to last for so long before they turn their back on him. He could be anywhere by now.” Orlando looks at his girlfriend then back to Finn. “Please let her go. She can’t do anything to you.”
Finn nods at Sandra, who, up until now, has been whimpering and crying while Eoghan keeps a strong hold on her. Eoghan drops his hand and Sandra straightens, wiping the tears from her eyes. She gives Orlando a hard stare and walks closer to him.
“Fuck you,” she says and spits in his face. “I only hope they make you suffer more before you burn in hell.” She turns on her heels, and Eoghan opens the door to the room I’m waiting in before she stomps away from Orlando.
I stand from my seat, looking at the woman in awe. “Damn, you’re one hell of an actress,” I tell her.
“Oh my God,” she says, breathing heavily. “That felt so good.” Her hand rests on her chest as she sits in a chair. I watch her for a few moments, expecting…I don’t know, a breakdown of some sort. She’s been sitting in here watching a man being tortured, after all. Instead, her head tilts toward the ceiling as she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes with a serene smile playing on her lips. My God, what did he put her through?
“Come on, sis. Finn is ready for you.” Eoghan is waiting on the threshold to the other room.