Page 69 of Finn

We have a lot more to lose, which makes men like me even more dangerous and ruthless, especially to those who try to take what’s mine.

Chapter nineteen


“He made it through surgery. The next few days will determine whether he survives or not,” Dr. Simmons tells Finn and me about four hours after they took Enzo into the operating room.

The doctor doesn’t have what I would call a great bedside manner, but he’s used to dealing with patients who aren’t fond of being coddled, at least when he gets a call from Finn. It doesn’t bother me, though. I’d rather have the facts straight and to the point, especially because, so far, it’s the outcome I’ve spent the last several hours praying for.

“I’ll keep him here while he recovers. Does he have family you’d like to call?”

“He has a sister,” I tell him, even though he’s talking to Finn. The doctor is perfectly capable, but I’m the one with the information, not the man standing next to me. He’s obviously old school and defers to the men in the room. “I’ll call her. She’s going to want to come visit him.”

The doctor nods. “That’s fine. I’ll let the guard gate know.”

Dr. Simmons lives in a vast gated community, not one of those cookie-cutter ones, either. Each house sits on about five acres, so you aren’t in your neighbor’s business like so many other subdivisions. Handy when you're performing illegal medical care from your home.

“I’m assuming she knows the protocol?” He raises the question to Finn. Again.

“Her brother has been working with my family for over ten years. She’s well versed in the importance of keeping her mouth shut about what she may see or hear and the consequences if she doesn’t,” I inform him.

Finn looks at me with a small smirk ghosting his lips, and the doctor looks completely nonplussed by my answer.

“Very well. He should be ready for visitors within the hour.”

“Thank you, doctor. I’d like to keep a couple guys rotating in and out. Just as an extra precaution,” Finn informs him.

“That’s fine. I’ll give the gate their names as well when I call down.”

Dr. Simmons turns and walks back into his surgical area, presumably to check on Enzo. I fall into Finn’s side, emotionally and physically more exhausted than I can remember being in years. It’s been nearly a decade since I allowed myself any sort of breakdown, but damn, does that sound good right about now. Being attacked in my own house, then to see Enzo shot and lying on the cold ground. The life was bleeding from his body while those men carelessly stepped over him like he was nothing more than a fallen obstacle in their way. It was too much. All the while, I watched from inside a secured room, hoping with everything in me that my bodyguard and friend wasn’t dead.

“You need to rest,” Finn says, interrupting my thoughts.

“I’ll rest when I know Enzo’s going to be okay. I need to call his sister. Shit, I don’t have my phone.”

Finn studies me like he wants to argue. Instead, he pulls his cell from his pocket and opens his contacts. “Enzo gave me his sister’s contact information just in case…well, in case something like this happened and he couldn’t call her himself.”

“Thank you,” I mutter and hit Emilia’s contact.

“Hello?” she answers, sounding a little confused and nervous at receiving a call from an unknown number. When you’re in the life we are, unknown numbers could mean so many different things, most of them bad.

“Hey, Emilia. It’s Alessia.”

“Hi. Is everything okay?” Her voice carries a weight of worry. Considering I’m calling at the break of dawn, it makes sense that she’s scared I’m calling with bad news.

“There was an incident at my house, and Enzo was shot. He’s just gotten out of surgery, but the doctor said the next few hours are critical. I thought you should know.”

“Oh my God,” she whispers. “Okay…okay.” She takes what sounds like several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. “I can call my sitter and have her come stay with the kids. What hospital are you at?”

“We’re not at a hospital. My husband has a doctor outside of the city. That’s where we are.”

“No hospital? Alessia, are you sure—”

I cut her off before she can finish her thought. “Trust me, Emilia. He’s in just as good of hands here as he would be at any hospital. I wouldn’t have let them bring him here otherwise.”

She takes a deep breath. “I know you wouldn’t have,” she says before a sob escapes her. There’s a freedom in her vulnerability, a certain knowledge she has that someone will pick up her pieces. It’s probably not even a thought or consideration. Enzo has always been that for her, and I suppose she thinks I can be the same. She’s a strong woman, don’t get me wrong. From everything Enzo has told me about her and the few times I’ve met her, she’s hardly a demure wallflower who lets everyone make decisions for her. No, she’s the opposite. But she does have the luxury of falling apart and it being okay for her. I don’t have that, especially not with a virtual stranger.

“I’ll have a car sent for you.” It doesn’t sound like she should be driving, and it’s the least I can do since her brother was shot protecting me.