“I want to be there, Finn. When you have Orlando. I want to see him take his last breath.”
Fuck. My wife is stunning. “Consider it done.”
The air seems to crackle between us with the power behind my words. Alessia will have her revenge. I’ll make damn sure of it.
“Finn, I have the doctor and we’re coming down,” Eoghan calls out, probably so I don’t raise my pistol and scare the poor doc.
Eoghan appears at the bottom of the stairs with a portable stretcher in his hands and Dr. Simmons and Cillian behind him.
“What do we have?’ the doctor asks, kneeling beside me.
“Two gunshots to the back. I didn’t turn him to check if the bullets went straight through,” I answer.
He removes the jacket I’d placed over Enzo’s wounds then checks his pulse.
Nodding to no one in particular, he looks back at Eoghan. “We need to move him. Lay the stretcher here,” he says, pointing next to Enzo.
Dr. Simmons and his team have been responsible for stitching up all manners of knife and bullet wounds for my family since my father’s time at the helm.
I help the doc carefully roll Enzo over and onto the narrow cot before Eoghan and Cillian pick it up and head up the stairs.
“He’s lost a lot of blood, and I won’t know the extent of the damage until I get in there. Finn, you come with me. You’re O neg, and we may need some blood from you.”
“So am I,” Alessia says, standing from the pool of blood at our feet.
“Then you come, too.”
Dr. Simmons turns and follows his patient up the stairs. “They should have the operating room ready when we get there, but we need to hurry.”
“Are we going to a hospital?” Alessia asks.
With all the money he’s made from my family the last several years, plus his time in his own legal private practice, the good doctor built a house not too far from here. Pretty convenient for me. Of course, I made sure to contribute to the cost of the surgical room he had built onto the house as well.
“He has a setup in his house. Do you want to get changed before we go?”
Alessia shakes her head. “No. I don’t want the doctor waiting in case he needs us.”
“Come on then. We’ll take Eoghan’s car. I don’t care if we get blood all over his.”
Alessia lets out a small, barely there chuckle, but it’s the first hint of lightness I’ve seen since I got home.
“Glad the thought of ruining my brother’s car amuses you. Let’s see how he feels about it.”
I reach my hand out and she slides her bloody palm into mine. Some people may get a little squeamish with the blood, but not us. I wouldn’t care if she was covered head to toe in the most disgusting substance known to man. As long as I can touch her and have her safe next to me, then all is right in my world.
One of Simmons’s nurses scrounges up some scrubs for us to change into after we’ve washed up as best we can in the bathroom. Alessia insisted they take some blood from both of us to have on hand and ready if necessary. If they don’t need it this time around, that’s fine. It’s not like it won’t be used at some point down the road. We’re about to go into a war with two Mafia families. Who knows how long it’s going to last or how much bloodshed is in our future? If the past serves as any indicator, my guess is a lot.
It’s been an hour since they wheeled Enzo into surgery, and so far, the only thing we know is he’s still alive. Now that I’ve had time to process the events of the evening, I can’t help but wonder how Orlando and Carlo found themselves in cahoots and why I didn’t know about it. And where the hell was Carlo when all of this was going down?
“Alessia, is there anything you recognized about the other two men?”
Her head lifts from my shoulder that she’s been resting on since we sat on the large couch outside of the operating room at the doctor’s house.
“Not really. They were wearing masks and night-vision goggles, except Orlando. It was like he wanted me to see he was after me. He probably thought it would scare me even more or something. Orlando always did enjoy psychological warfare.”
His name falling from her lips sends rage coursing through my blood. And the fact she knows that about him. It gives me a terrifying insight into their relationship.
“One of their voices did sound familiar, but I couldn’t place it at the time.”