Page 63 of Finn

I take a deep breath, and thankfully, my father fills Finn in on the rest of the story since he was the one who spoke to Orlando’s father.

“Massimo said Gio nearly killed Orlando and implied maybe Gio had made some dangerous enemies. But I knew that was bullshit. Everyone loved Gio. He had a way about him that made people gravitate toward him. The only enemy he had was Orlando Farina.” My father squeezes his eyes shut, the pain of losing his son evident on his face. He clears his throat and opens his eyes before continuing. “I explained to him who his son was and what he did to my daughter, but he felt that it was between a man and his woman. Said his son told him she was cheating on him and there was no way he could have gotten her pregnant. He said if any harm came to his son, then Alessia would be next.” His gaze travels to me for a moment then back to my husband’s. “It was the first time in my life I had to choose between being the boss and my only remaining child. I couldn’t let my wife lose her daughter because I wanted revenge for our son’s death. I couldn’t lose her, and I knew Massimo would make good on his threat. I love my daughter more than the air I breathe, and I wasn’t going to risk her life. I couldn’t. In the end, I made Massimo give me his word that he would keep Orlando away from Alessia and stay out of Amatto territory.”

“That motherfucker was at our wedding!” Finn booms, losing the last thread of his composure. “He spoke to my wife. Touched her right in front of everyone there.” Finn shoots from his seat with his fists clenched at his side. “How could you invite that piece of shit to be anywhere near your daughter?”

To my recollection, no one has ever spoken to my father the way Finn is, especially in his own house. I’m equally shocked and impressed at the level of composure my father has right now as Finn looks ready to tear this room apart in a rage.

“It’s the way we’ve done business for generations. We keep polite and friendly appearances in the faces of our worst enemies while plotting to stab them in the back. And make no mistake, the Farinas are my enemy. I had no proof that Gio was murdered by Orlando, and too many men in this world think the same way as that piece of shit’s father. That what happens between a man and his woman is private and no one should involve themselves, even when he beats her. But there was no doubt that when the time was right, I’d make Orlando pay.”

Finn walks back over to the couch and stands behind me, placing his strong hand on my shoulder. “You had your chance, Mario. I understand you were backed into a corner and wanted to protect Alessia’s life. I respect the choice you made, but he’s still breathing. We’ll handle this my way now, and I have no intention of my knife going into his back. He’ll look me in the eyes and know I’m the one ending his miserable existence.”

Chapter seventeen


The ride home from my parents’ house is quiet as Finn works through whatever’s tumbling around in his head.

“Are you okay?” What I want to ask is if we’re okay, but for some reason, I’m afraid of the answer.

There are people in this world who believe a woman puts herself in a position to be hurt and abused. That she should have left the first time and not “let” it escalate. What they fail to realize is the abuser does a fucking remarkable job of turning you around on yourself. I questioned everything about what I thought I knew about myself when Orlando love-bombed the hell out of me after the first time he hit me. I thought I would never fall for a man who could possess the type of demon in his soul that would make him hurt the woman he was supposed to love. It wasn’t until I left and started healing from his abuse and my brother’s death that I realized what kind of monster he truly was. Gio was what a real man was made of. He saw what Orlando did and refused to stand by and let him get away with it. And he paid with his life for his convictions.

“It’s a lot to process. I didn’t know about you and Orlando. It changes things,” Finn says, still not looking at me.

His reply hurts something deep within me. I thought my husband was different from the other men in this life. The ones who turn a blind eye to men who abuse women because it isn’t any of their business.

“If you’ve changed your mind about going after him—”

He whips the car to the side of the road and slams on the brakes.

“Jesus Christ, Finn!”

He turns his blue gaze to me and pins me with the most intense stare I've ever seen from him. “Let’s get something straight real quick, Alessia. He hurt you and put you through unspeakable pain. There is no scenario where I let him live. I was referring to extra security and coordinating with your father and his men for when we go to war with Farina and whatever’s left of the Cataldi organization. It’s not just Carlo whose days are numbered now.”

Relief sweeps through me from Finn’s reassurance and I reach my hand to cover his, still clutching the steering wheel. He is the man I thought he was. The man I’m coming to realize I’m falling in love with.

“Not everyone in this life shares your view. Thank you for being different.”

He brings my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. “Fuck, baby. It’s a sad day when a woman has to thank a man for not being a piece of shit.” Finn shakes his head as cars zoom past us on the highway leading home. “There isn’t a single man in my organization who would get away with the kind of things Orlando did. I’d take care of them personally if I ever found out they treated their girlfriends or wives the way he did. I will never abide by that kind of thinking or behavior. Ever. Understood?”

I nod my head, giving him a small smile and he merges back onto the road.

More relaxed than I’ve been the last half hour driving, I lean back in my seat and face my husband. He isn’t mad at me for not telling him my ex’s identity or how this is turning into a much bigger issue than he originally thought. He’s mad for me and for the women who’ve been where I was. He’s angry that men like Carlo and Orlando have gotten away with hurting women for generations, and no one has stepped in to stop them. A soft smile moves across my lips, and Finn catches me staring from the corner of his eye.

“What?” he asks, removing one hand from the steering wheel and laying it on my thigh.

I cover it with my palm and link our fingers together. “I’m surprised by you. I have no idea why I would be, but every time I think you’re going to respond to something one way, you turn around and amaze me by doing the opposite. I don’t know, I kind of like it.”

Finn huffs out a laugh and his smile is wide and happy. It’s not one the world sees, but when it’s just the two of us, he lets it out more and more often.

“Well, wife. I can’t wait to get home so I can amaze and surprise you all night.”

“My husband, the romantic,” I reply in a dry tone, but there’s no stopping a grin from lighting up my face.

After speaking with my father last night at dinner, Finn decided we needed more security. His guards are working longer shifts, so there are more on duty at one time. Enzo also now has a room in the house, so he’s never far if we need him. Finn insists I have a shadow when he isn’t home, and I’m glad it’s Enzo, considering I’ve known him for most of my life. If my husband feels the need to be overprotective, I’d much rather have someone I know in the house with me at all times rather than a guard I’ve only met a few times.

“I hope he’s paying you overtime,” I tell Enzo as we head up the stairs from the underground gun range. Finn told me he wasn’t comfortable with me making any unnecessary trips off the property. And apparently, being able to shoot at my favorite range is deemed unnecessary. Of course, he didn’t tell me that outright, but Enzo let me know when I suggested we go over there this evening. When I argued, he told me I should take it up with my husband. That’s probably exactly what Finn wanted. The man loves to rile me up then kiss me breathless, and he knew damn well telling Enzo instead of me that we were on a sort of lockdown would piss me off.

How convenient that Finn left an hour ago with Cillian to follow a lead on Carlo’s whereabouts.