He points at my smile. “That’s the look I’ve wanted to see from you since I told you about our date last night.”
“You’ve been doing such a good job so far, I have every confidence I’m going to love what comes next.”
He lifts both of his hands and looks toward the ceiling. “Finally, she gets it,” he says as though he’s thanking the heavens.
The restaurant is busier now than when we walked in. The way he guides me through the tables with his hand on my hip feels so natural it catches me off guard for a moment. There’s something so innate in the small action I’ve never felt before, and that scares me less than it would have twenty-four hours ago.
Finn and I chat in the limo ride to our next destination, so I hardly notice where we’ve pulled up. The doorman opens Finn’s door first, and he holds his hand out, helping me from the car. We’re at a brightly lit casino and my eyes turn to my husband with a questioning stare. “Are we checking out how the other half runs a casino?”
Finn smiles but doesn’t answer. He leads me through the busy floor, then down a long hallway connected to what looks like some sort of arena at the resort. We take a turn into a smaller hallway and Finn shows the man in front of two nondescript doors the tickets he pulls from his pockets. He opens the door, and we’re let into a giant private lounge with servers walking around carrying trays filled with flutes of champagne and hors d’oeuvres. Several well-dressed people are milling about with drinks in their hands and excitement on their faces. When I look at one of the televisions hanging from the wall, I spot a familiar logo.
“You brought me to a sold-out heavyweight championship MMA match?”
Finn smiles widely down at me. “You like?”
“Are you kidding? I’ve never been to a live event before. This is perfect.”
“Did I mention we’re front row?” His cocky grin is back in full force as he holds the tickets in front of me.
It could be the wine, the thrill of being here, or the lightness in my chest, but I throw my arms around my husband’s neck and place a kiss soundly on his mouth. Finn’s hand tangles in the back of my hair, not caring that we’re in public and thrusts his tongue in my mouth.
When we pull apart, he leans his forehead against mine. “I’m glad you’re happy with it.”
“I’m more than happy with my surprise. And just so there’s no confusion, seeing as this is our first date and all, you’re totally getting laid.”
He throws his head back, and a loud laugh explodes from him.
“You are something else, Alessia Monaghan.” His smile is shining so bright it’s nearly blinding.
That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone say my full married name, and I think that might just be my favorite part of this night.
Chapter fifteen
The excitement of the crowd is palpable in the packed arena as the match comes closer and closer to being called. The smile on my wife’s face as she watches the two fighters in the octagon attack each other is fucking breathtaking. I knew this would be right up Alessia’s alley. She loves sparring as much as I do, and with her training and skill, along with her taste for violence, there was no doubt in my mind this was the perfect date. As exciting as the fight is, I can’t seem to pull my attention away from her face for more than a few brief moments. The gasps and murmurs falling from her lips as she watches the men try to dominate one another send delight and amusement through me. There’s no doubt she’s scrutinizing every move they make to find their mistakes, not that there are many. But Alessia wouldn’t be who she is if she didn’t point each one out, even if it’s only to herself.
When the bruised and bloody fighter is called to be the new world champion, Alessia and I are on our feet, cheering loudly with the rest of the crowd. Her beaming smile is directed at me when I lean down to kiss her.
“That was amazing,” she says with a breathless quality to her voice like she was the one in the ring. “I’ve never been to any sort of fight like this. The only boxing I’ve ever seen in person was at your fight.”
“That’s hardly on par with this, though. Our fights are barely a step up from any back-alley brawl.” Maybe a touch higher, but Eoghan insists on keeping the fights as gritty as possible. He says the crowd comes for the bloodbath then stays for the alcohol. It’s his deal, so I let him run things how he sees fit. Plus, we make a pretty penny from those nights, which tells me he must be doing something right.
“I don’t know. I liked watching you fight that night.” Her arms wrap around my neck while mine circles her waist in the bustling arena. “There’s something about seeing you in the ring, all sweaty and focused.”
“Did watching those guys turn you on, wife?”
She shakes her head. “No, that was fun. Watching you is something else.”
Her face tilts toward mine, and I kiss her red lips.
“I’ve never met a woman with a vicious streak quite like yours, Alessia,” I murmur in her ear. “You have no idea how bad it makes me want to fuck you against that octagon.”
Her head tilts back on a laugh, which gives me the opportunity to playfully nip at the smooth skin of her neck.
She pulls away all too soon for my liking. “I’d rather not get arrested in Atlantic City tonight for public indecency. Each of us has gone this long without a criminal record. Let’s not break that stride.”
“You’re right. Cillian would never forgive me if he had to drive out here to bail us out of jail. And there’s no way I’d let Eoghan do it. Knowing him, it would be the first thing he’d bring up at Sunday brunch.”