Page 53 of Finn

Exhaling a long sigh, I shrug and face forward in my seat. “I suppose I can spare the time, then.”

“Gee, thank you so much. Your enthusiasm astounds me.”

I glance in his direction and catch the hard eye roll. It’s too easy to rile him up sometimes.

Leaning over, I place a small kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Finn. I’m excited to see what you have up your sleeve. I’m sorry if I came across as ungrateful.”

He grunts and turns to face me. “You can make it up to me by wearing that little red dress you had on the night we met.”

A surprised chuckle escapes me before I place a lingering kiss on his lips. “Deal.”

“He’s taking me away for the night and I have no idea what to pack,” I huff into the phone, talking with Gemma.

“My guess would be not much of anything. He didn’t give you any clues?”

“None. Just told me to bring the red dress he likes.”

“So somewhere fancy, then.”

“Maybe. At least he’s not trying to take me somewhere like the Caribbean or something. Though that would be a lot more than an overnight trip.” Not that I don’t think beaches are beautiful, but I’m not one for lying around all day staring at the ocean. I like to actually do things. Plus, sand irritates the living hell out of me. The grainy feeling that takes forever to get rid of is just gross.

“Things are going well between you two, I take it.”

“Define ‘well.’ I mean, the sex is unreal. I swear that man is fucking insatiable.” My body heats remembering last night when we got back from the casino.

“Do you get along? I mean, other than between the sheets?”

I think about that for a moment. “I don’t know. We’ve been spending a lot of time together but not a lot of time talking. Honestly, we don’t know each other very well.” I know how to piss him off, and he knows how to give me countless orgasms, but beyond that, we haven’t taken the time to find out what makes the other person tick.

“That makes sense. You guys skipped several important steps in the beginning.”

“Is it weird I’m nervous about going on a date with my husband?”

Gemma laughs. “If it was anyone else, I would say yes, that’s weird. But you and Finn didn’t exactly start off your relationship in a typical fashion.”

That’s the fucking truth.

Finn walks into the bedroom as I’m zipping up my suitcase. He moved my things in here the night after we slept together for the first time. I may have thrown a small fit over it, but I never bothered moving my things back to my room.

“We need to get to the airport,” he says, tapping his watch.

“We’re flying? What if I’m afraid of planes?” I ask and hear Gemma laughing on the line.

Finn gives me a flat look and swirls his finger in the air, signaling for me to wrap it up. “Tell Gemma goodbye and get your sexy ass in the car, Alessia.”

Damn bossy asshole.

“You’re not afraid of flying,” Gemma reminds me as Finn grabs my suitcase from the bed and exits the room.

“I know that, but he didn’t,” I grumble.

“Think of all the things you two get to learn about each other on your little trip.”

I let out a calming breath and remind myself it’s a good thing my husband wants to take me away. And Gemma was spot on, we did skip the get-to-know-you phase.

“You’re right. God, I feel so dumb for being this nervous.”

“It’s been a while since you’ve done anything like this. Nerves are normal.”