Page 47 of Finn

Even though it’s obvious my husband is exhausted, I plan on making this training session as brutal for him as possible. I may believe him about the strip club thing, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve a little torture for the no-call, no-show situation.

My lips are in a thin line as I stare at my husband, waiting for him to say something, probably having a pretty good idea I’m doing this on purpose.

“Fine,” he breathes out. “Let me get changed really quick.”

“Fine,” I parrot back. “It’ll give me a chance to make a smoothie for you.”

“Can’t wait,” he replies in a flat tone before he nods at Enzo on his way out of the kitchen.

“Alright. I get you’re mad at him, but why do I have to drink that disgusting concoction,” Enzo complains when Finn’s out of earshot.

“Because it’s good for you. Jesus, do any of the men in this house listen to me?” I say the last part more to myself as I pull out the ingredients and make three smoothies.

Two with extra garlic.

Finn finally joins us in the gym. After showering, of course.

“I thought we could work on some jiu-jitsu today. We’ve been doing all upper body. Do you have any experience in it?” I ask my husband.

“A little. When Eoghan and I were kids, my parents had us try just about every martial arts practice they could find. Eoghan is better at it than I am. Don’t tell him I said that, though.”

We stretch out to warm up our muscles then get to it. I will say Finn isn’t bad, but I can tell he hasn’t practiced these kinds of moves in a long time. He has several pounds on me, so obviously, his size gives him an advantage. But I have years of training on him, so I make up for the size difference in skill. Still, I work for every pin I get.

And boy, I am working hard for it. At first, I could tell he wasn’t totally on board with trying to pin me, afraid he was going to hurt me. I, on the other hand, have no such reservations. When I tangled our legs and flipped him on his back, pinning him to the mat, there was a flare of pride and something else in his eyes. I saw it several times after the boathouse yesterday. Excitement and lust run through his gaze every time we’re on the mat, tangled in each other. But unlike yesterday, he has a snowball's chance in hell of taking this any further. Finn responds to touch like no man I’ve ever met before, so I decide I’m going to torture the hell out of him with it. Even though having his weight pressing into me and hearing the heavy pants and grunts coming from him is having an effect on certain parts of my anatomy, I’m more determined to teach him a lesson than I’m willing to give in to temptation. Okay, so maybe the warring emotions are neck and neck, but that doesn’t change my focus.

After an hour of grappling, Enzo lets me know we have an appointment at the gun range.

“Sorry to cut this short, but we have to go,” I tell my husband.

The look of disappointment on Finn’s face sends glee and a feeling of victory through me. He was hoping all the sweating and rolling around would lead to something else.

Not today, pal.

“We have a range here, you know,” he says in a lame attempt to keep me home.

I discovered it the first week I lived here and used it a few times. It’s a nice range and far more convenient than driving an hour to the one I used to go to nearly every day. But that’s not the point I’m making today.

“I know. I like this one better. Don’t worry; I’ll make it back in time to meet you before work tonight.”

He lets out a breath and nods. “Fine. I’ll see you later. I’ll take a nap while you’re gone.”

“You do that.” I bound up to him and give him a quick kiss on the lips then step back before he can take it any further. A girl can only take so much before she breaks, and I’m determined to make him sweat it out a little longer.

When Enzo and I get in the car, he looks at me and shakes his head. “Does that little workout slash torture session have anything to do with what I walked in on earlier?”

“Maybe. I’m just making sure he’s well aware of who he’s married to. Every action has consequences. Especially when you piss off your wife.”

“If he didn’t get the point before, I’m sure he does now.”

I smile but decide not to comment further.

The casino is busier than I’ve ever seen it before. Several high rollers are here at the same time, and I don’t think I’ve smiled so much for so long in my entire life. I’ve had to make sure everyone’s favorite liquor is stocked and ready, even going so far as to send one of the security guards out for a couple more high-end bottles Finn doesn’t keep stocked regularly. When one of the men was disappointed his favorite dealer wasn’t in tonight, I called her and offered to double her nightly wage to come in and deal for him. Finn said this is unusual, and normally, they let us know ahead of time when they’re coming in, but things like this can happen. I can tell he was impressed with how I handled the situation, not running to him with every little issue that popped up.

It’s about two in the morning, and it looks like things are starting to wind down. Thank God.

“I need to see you in your office,” Finn says in my ear. “Now.”

Shit. Did someone complain? Or did that one asshole run to Finn upset because there wasn’t room at his favorite table, and I couldn’t ask another customer to move? God, these rich pricks are like children when they don’t get their way.