Page 35 of Filthy Liar

I swallow hard, staring down at the gorgeous monstrosity. My eyes jump to his. "I didn't get you a ring."

He smiles, the curve of his lips dragging my attention to them and what they did to me yesterday. "Yes, you did." He reaches into his pocket and pulls a small velvet bag free. After turning my hand over, he drops the contents into my palm. "And because you know me so well, and love me to the very depths of your soul, you knew I’m not against a little bit of flash in my jewelry."

I pick up the ring with my free hand, looking over the thick, white gold band inlaid with diamonds. I never would have expected something like this to look masculine, but it does. "I have good taste."

Fynn takes the ring from me, dropping it back into the bag before stashing it in his pocket, along with the box still holding my wedding band. "Of course you do. You're marrying me."

I laugh, feeling a little lighter now. The awkwardness I felt over yesterday and the tension from the whole prenup, lifts just a little.

Then I remember we're going to lunch, and I swallow hard.

Fynn offers me his arm. "Shall we?"

I start to hesitate, but then I remember all the things he said to me yesterday when I stepped out of my comfort zone. How wonderful his praise made me feel.

And I want more.

So I straighten my shoulders and my spine, lifting my chin. I've spent my whole life trying to get someone to see I had value outside of what I could offer them. Wanting someone to be impressed with me. To acknowledge how hard I was willing to work.

Fynn did and I don't want to let him down.

So I loop one hand through his arm, letting him guide me through the office space he rents in one of the sleek commercial buildings lined along downtown Sweet Side. We’re all the way to the main floor, walking through the vestibule serving as a buffer from the heat of outside and the air-conditioned inside, when a possibility occurs to me. I glance up at the structure as we reach the sidewalk outside. The design doesn’t seem modern, but everything about it is new and sleek. "Do you own this building?"

Fynn glances my way. "I do. It’s one of the first I bought and restored when I moved here."

I continue taking it in as we walk along the front of the building, seeing the sharp lines and minimalist landscaping with new eyes. "You did a very good job."

Fynn spares me another glance. "That, my darling bride, is why I make the big bucks."

The American saying sounds hilarious in his accent, and has my head tipping back on a long laugh. I drop my temple to his shoulder, continuing to chuckle. "Then I would say you definitely earn them." I'm finally starting to relax. To feel a little more comfortable with this new life I'll be living, when a gasp pulls my attention to the woman coming our way.

Her eyes are wide as she stares at us, gaze bouncing from Fynn to me, then back to Fynn again.

I don’t want her to focus on him. I want her focusing on me, so I offer her a bright smile. "Good afternoon." I glance up at the clear sky. "It's beautiful out, isn't it?"

Her mouth drops open, gaping like a fish. Then it snaps closed again. She gives us one more befuddled look before scurrying on her way.

Fynn turns to watch her go over one shoulder. "Huh." His eyes come to my face, looking me over. "I think you might be onto something, Val." One finger comes to tip my chin, lifting it higher in the air. "You are a very smart woman, Darling." Then he leans down and kisses me. It’s soft and sweet and nothing like the kisses we shared before I was forced to tell him I had, in fact, approached him for a reason, but I'll take it.

Hopefully we'll get back to the other kisses at some point.

His face lifts from mine and he smiles. "Let's have lunch and go make this official then, shall we?"

I smile back, feeling more confident than I did a few minutes ago. "I think that sounds like a fantastic idea."

For lunch, Fynn takes me to a beautiful, upscale eatery located in the heart of Sweet Side. I haven’t been to many places around town, but even if I had, this wouldn’t have been on my list. Not only because it’s expensive as hell, but because I would've had no one to go with. Crystal would have taken one look at the menu and walked out when they didn't have grilled cheese or chicken strips.

I can't really blame her. Grilled cheese and chicken strips are pretty freaking good.

But there are quite a few things on the extensive menu that sound equally delicious, and I'm having a hard time choosing. I peek at Fynn across the table, lowering my voice. "Have you been here before?"

His eyes lift to meet mine. "Many times."

"Good." I scoot my menu to the edge of the table. "Then I need you to pick something for me, because I can't decide."

One brow lifts. But that's the only acknowledgment I get. When the waiter approaches, Fynn orders for both of us, choosing one of the items I'd been considering for me.

I guess now I have to add fancy lunches and a husband who knows what I like into my column of perks our marriage will provide.