Page 11 of Filthy Liar

“I was trying to be a gentleman earlier.” As fucked-up as it is, I like that she sounds a little hurt I rejected her offer of a slumber party. A woman like Valerie probably has to knock men off with a stick. No doubt she isn’t used to being turned down for a romp. And doesn’t the thought of that just piss me the fuck off—thinking of the men who would have taken her up on the offer.

The men who have. I shouldn’t give a shit who this woman has fucked. I’ve known her all of two hours. Yet here I am.

“Are you a gentleman, Fynn?”

The question pushes a button I didn’t have a year ago, hitting the sore spot I have no idea how to soothe. “If I wasn’t, I would be fucking you right now,” I swallow down the rest of my drink and set the glass on the table beside me, “wouldn’t I?”

“Fair enough.” She’s quiet for a little too long and I start to get nervous. “So what does that make me since I was willing to fuck you tonight?”

Hearing that word in her sultry voice isn’t even enough to soften the blow of her statement. The insinuation it carries. But if Valerie thinks I’m trying to say she’s anything but a lady then she’s damn wrong. “It makes you every man’s dream girl.”

“Even yours?”

Like there’s any doubt she’s my dream girl. My dick has been standing at attention so long my balls are ready to burst. “Especially mine.”

“Then you should ask to take me out tomorrow.”

Maybe it’s my aching cock. Maybe it’s the lingering guilt I feel over making her think, even for a second, that I would judge her for what could have happened tonight.

Or maybe it’s because I can’t find anything I don’t like about this woman. “I would beg for the chance to take you out tomorrow, Valerie.”

Her low, velvety laugh carries through the line. “I can’t imagine you have to beg for much, Fynn Hadaway.”

I’m smiling in spite of myself. “You might be surprised.”

But getting on my knees for this woman isn’t an unappealing thought. In fact, it’s one of the best thoughts I have. Being on my knees, shoving that tight skirt she wore up to her waist so I can bury my face between her thighs.

Valerie laughs again, soft and breathy. “I suppose I can save you the trouble this time.” The sound of sheets shifting almost makes me groan, knowing Valerie is lying in bed, my voice in her ear.

I have to see her again. No matter what happens, it will be worth every second I get with her.

Even if it implodes.

“Then what time am I coming to get you tomorrow, Valerie Berdard?”

I’M IN FRONT of her place a little early, like the overeager bastard I am.

The stupid, overeager bastard I am.

No doubt Valerie has figured out who I am by now. I glance up at the building, just in case she’s planning to launch a bucket of cold water down over my head.

“Trying to figure out which one is mine?”

My dick springs to life at the sound of her voice, threatening to be as big of a pain in the arse today as it was last night. I wanked off three fucking times before I could finally fall asleep. Damn thing acts like it’s been ignored for half a year.

“Maybe.” I turn to find Valerie standing just outside the building’s entrance and my breath stutters to a stop. Last night before I finally managed to make myself hang up with her, I told Valerie to be ready to walk when I picked her up this morning. I was hoping she would be less distracting in casual clothes.

No luck on that one. The woman could probably drive a man to distraction even if every inch of her was covered in a damn potato sack.

Especially if she was talking. Because Jesus Christ that voice.

She stops at the bottom of the steps and glances down at her attire, brows pinching together as her eyes lift to meet mine. “You told me to be ready to walk. Is this not okay?”

She’s wearing a pair of tattered jean shorts that both hug every curve I dreamed of last night, and put her legs on full display. A fitted tank clings to the ample swell of her breasts and the soft curve of her waist. The long length of her dark hair is pulled up with a few strands already falling loose around her nape. She looks good enough to fucking eat, and the offer she made me last night blares through my brain, making me reconsider the plans I have for our day.

But I told Valerie I was a gentleman and I want her to believe it. Need her to believe it because, while she might not have heard the rumors about me yet, she will. And I want to build as much doubt as I can before that happens. It’s the only chance I have at this point, even if it’s a slim one.

Clearing my throat, I force my eyes to drop to the Chucks on her feet. “I was thinking of showing you around town. You said you’ve only been here a few weeks, so I thought you might enjoy a tour from another recent transplant.” I drag my eyes to hers, careful not to let them linger over the parts of her I want to drag more than my eyes over. “You look—”