Page 9 of Furi

Nearly an entire troop.

The night drawing in moving on towards the dawn. More Cyborgs coming and going every 4 hours to the sounds of engaging with a baby.

They were caring for it.

Zeroing in on each room in the house, he found one other occupant. Alone. Sleeping. The daughter?

Was it her child? Had she dismissed it because it was half Cyborg?

Or was it the mothers? Beale hadn’t said the child survived the birth.

It made him angry that the female might have rejected the child because of its heritage. If it was half Cyborg.

But that made little sense. Cyborgs had to be mates and have an exchange of blood and nanos to conceive.

Had she demanded their blood? Ordered them to service her?

If she had, the Cyborg if he had to force it wouldn’t have been fertile. His logic was failing him. Unless she’d found her mate amongst the Cyborgs living here and unknowingly he was fertile giving her both his blood and cum.

Did she know they were slaves, had been slaves and kept them as slaves?

Those were questions that needed answering.

Waiting until after 3, he made his way slowly down towards the house. Keeping to the shadows. If they were on security for humans, he might pass as one of them if seen.

Taking his time, he eventually reached the back door. Connecting to the house hub disarming the alarm he made his way in re-setting it again. Waiting to see if he triggered anything. The quiet remained. Slowing moving through the house, he took note of the extra-large kitchen and dining room. Enough seats for 40.

The split shift. An entire troop was definitely here.

His optic showing his excitement. Picking up the scents in the room, he zeroed in on the females and breathed in deeply unable not to. It was strong and heady. Then the babys. It carried her scent and a Cyborg.

She was mated then.

A pain hit him center mass.

A pain he shouldn’t be having.

Confused he stood there for a moment, basking in her scent and realised that he’d been standing there for over 20 minutes locked out, before turning and being confronted by 20 Cyborgs, the lead one he recognised as seeing to the child earlier and female scent on him.

He pinged the male's neuro net. Nothing happened. Then he tried the others.

No connection.

And spoke quietly. They had a neuro net and clearly used it, but it was a closed circuit. Only for them.

Accident or design? he wondered.

“Hello brothers. We have been looking for you for a long time. Earth Corp is long gone. They were held accountable for their actions. The humans on Old Earth revolted against them when they found out about the Cyborg Program. We fought to be free and now have an Empire in space. We have a quadrant that is ours that we defend against pirates that raid the colonised worlds and trading lanes. Other worlds have joined the Empire and we protect them. Find mates. Have lives we never thought possible. Helping humans left on worlds to die by Earth Corp and the other corporations have given us hope of legacy. Something of our own. It’s a new reality.”

“We do not know you, but you have similar Cyborg tags to us.” The leader told him.

“Yes I feel it. Yours is older than mine. I was trying to give you an upgrade, but your neuro net is not open to me.”

“No. We are a specialist unit. Our neuro net is cloned to us alone.”

“Are you still programmed?”

“Our programming is still with us, but it no longer functions as it once did. We were lost in space with a faulty ship and equipment for many decades. We lost many getting this far. Crash landing when our computer completely failed. We repaired most of the structural damage, but the data has proven difficult to put right. It is why we are still here. The ship as you know will not fly without it.”