Yeah. In their company she was.
But it was a quandary.
Not one of them showed any sign of wanting to date. None wanted to go to a town and meet any women. She knew they were not gay. She’d heard the stories often enough when something triggered the memory for them. Slavery, in all its forms. Horrifying to her. Bought and sold, programmed to service. No choice in the matter.
To them, just a part of their way of life until they came here.
“Those eggs of yours will start to shrivel in another 5 years.” 38 again.
She turned to 65 sitting next to him. “Any chance you can put your fist in his mouth?”
There was laughter and sniggers all around the table now. 38 held his hands up. “Thinking of you sweetheart. You know that. Need more babies around here.”
“I do know that and thank you but, I don’t know. I don’t feel it.”
“She’s becoming Cyborg. We’re rubbing off on her.” 22 told the room wiggling his eyebrows to more laughter as he stuffed his face.
“OMG. You are worse than teenagers. No rubbing off, no fucking.”
“He’s right, you need a man.” 04 told her.
She knocked back her coda. “Not you too. I’ll get right on that.” She told them dryly. Then eyed the table. “The first one to mention ‘forcing it’ again, will be on short rations.” There were more smirks.
“I’d take one for the team.” 41 told her. “You’re pretty enough to fuck.” He told her matter factually and kept on eating.
“Take one for the team?” 41 Shrugged and kept eating. “Really?” She shook her head. They were trying to help but the thought of anyone having to force themselves to be with her made her feel a little sick. “Could we leave this topic? None of you are interested in being with a woman willingly and although I appreciate the offer, it would get us nowhere.
04 glazed over and they all stilled for a moment before carrying on. He’d told them to back off. It was a conversation that was happening more and more particularly since her parents were gone. But right now, they had bigger fish to fry.
“We need options on dealing with Beale.” She put her hand up. “Killing him isn’t one of them. Damage limitation is.”
Throwing several options around the table, she let them have their way with the strategy. They knew him better than she did, they’d been watching Beale for decades and this was their game not hers. Finishing up, Emily still sleeping on 04, she helped clear away and wash up. Going to 04 and taking her from him. “I’ll do the 10pm feed. Put her down and go to bed.” He told her.
“You sure?”
“Of course. Need to look after both our girls.”
She snorted hearing that but knew he meant it.
“I’ll do 2am.” 16 offered.
“6am.” 42 joined in smiling.
“You know if I let you all do it all I’d never get a look in.”
“Told you need more babies!” 38 told her proudly. Like he’d been right all along.
Glaring at him he winked again. “Help is help and besides it gives us a chance to be what we will never be. Fathers and uncles.” Reaching out she squeezed 04’s arm.
“You know I hate that that was taken from you.” He gave a nod. “We’ll go up now. Thank you for being here. All of you.”
Leaving them she headed up the stairs and to her room. Emily in the connecting room next door. Washing and changing her, putting her in her sleep clothes she put her down. Not stirring once. Going back to her own room she stripped and showered then slipped into the sheets.
Dead on her feet, she had no doubt they could probably see it.
They saw everything….
Chapter Two