Page 34 of Furi

“I know but I’m still not leaving.”

By the time she was through the pastries and coda her team had arrived. She waved them in. “Come in. Take a seat.” Their eyes going to Furi. She knew how he looked to them. “This is Furi, my husband and the father of my child.” There were several gasps and surprised faces in the room. “You’re all my team leaders with groups under you. I’m going to have to leave for a while, not sure how long. I have to see a doctor. So you are all in charge of your areas. Alice?” She looked at the oldest woman sitting there. She was beyond childbearing and had no restrictions on her any longer. “Move into the house, take the second room, do the stocks, ordering, you’ve been running things with me when I was sick so I know you can do it and I’ll be overseeing what you send me.” She looked at her retainers. “I’m sorry, I have to leave this all in your hands.” They gave her a nod. Knowing they wouldn’t let her down. She looked to everyone. “Any questions?”

No one asked anything.

“Good. There will be bonuses and stores for all the extra work.” Smiles went around the room this time. “Anyone comes looking, no one knows anything, you do not have permission to let anyone on my property no matter what they tell you they cannot come in lawfully and the security field remains in place. Only I can take it down and I’m not going to. If access is needed, it needs to be arranged in advanced with me. Got it?”

They all nodded. “Good, we start tomorrow. Thank you. Good night.”

Her staff leaving. “You need to pack. We leave in a couple of hours.”

“What’s the rush?”

“I told you our marriage is about to be annulled. Men will be coming. I don’t want you and my child in danger.”

“Okay. But I’m not agreeing to Mate you. What you did here was shitty. I’m not forgetting that.”

“Fine. Get packing or I’ll do it for you.”

Getting up, she went upstairs to pee and back. Back down again with several bags he took from her, instructions left for Alice and they were out to the truck that was standing there waiting. The buzz of the gate showing on her PID. “Ignore it. You know who it is.” She did and got in.

“They're here already?”

Getting in he started the truck. “Yes. Not waiting for the official outcome.” Moving in the dark away from the house the truck picked up speed. Bouncing her around she held on.

“They’re not coming in.”

“You don’t know that, and I want to be gone.”

The truck got faster. The night pitch black she couldn’t see a thing. Then lights showed up ahead. “Those yours?”

“No the tracker.”

She frowned. “Is that inside my boundary line?”

“Told you they’re not waiting.”

“Okay put your foot down. Lets go.”

It became a race across the fields to get to his ship undetected. Furi didn’t stop, he rode the truck right into the ship glazing over lifting the ramp seconds after getting in, telling her to leave the bags and follow him to the Bridge. Walking through the ship he was already in his seat starting up the engine as she joined him. “Buckle up.” She did. The moment she was the ship took off. On the twist and turn she saw the tracker and his men. Their torches lighting the area. Furi moving the ship away, it wasn’t long before they were far behind them.

“They didn’t get in the barrier but that was close.”

Furi growled. “No one takes my female and child.”

“You’re taking a lot for granted.”

“Need me to remind you of us?”


He smirked. “That’s only going to hold you for so long. Once we’re on my ship, you’re mine.”

“We’ll see about that. This is temporary. I need to see the doc that’s it.”

“I seeded you you’re mine!” He bit off.

Suddenly seeing his ship looming above the atmosphere she held her tongue. It was nothing like 4’s. She’d been on that many times over the years, going with him as a child wanting to see it and later going for the company, but this, this was something else. It looked mean. Deadly. All glossy black it was hard to make it out even with the darkness of space around it. And it was huge.