“No harm in checking.”
“You know doing that is dangerous. Could get you killed.”
“I’m not looking for trouble. Thought we could share a fire for the night.”
“I’m not making one or looking for more friends.”
Rubbing his chin he didn’t look happy. “You alone this year? Heard your father died.”
“He did. But I’m not alone. Never am.”
He hesitated then looked beyond her. Like he was staring at something, but she couldn’t think what or maybe he was thinking better of his choices. She didn’t know. Tipping his hat he looked back at her.
“Don’t get into town too late. It will be rowdy. New people are in town from the Darkside.” Giving a nod she went to her food parcel and grabbed a wrap and the spare water bottle. Throwing both to him. He tipped his hat again. “Appreciated. I’ll be camped further downriver if you need anything.”
“Thanks, but I won't.”
He nodded looking around again. “You’re in good shape, hope it stays that way.”
Turning he walked to his solar bike and straddled it climbing on stowing the food and drink. Starting up his bike he was gone. Dropping her arm, the gun in it she wasn’t sure what that was all about. But it wasn’t the first time her and her father had had visitors on the trail.
Going back for her bag she picked it up and climbed back into the truck, sitting sideways watching the sun go down eating her own meal and drinking. Pulling the truck blankets over her she was soon asleep.
A light sleeper, she’d no doubt that if anything did happen, she’d wake.
Undisturbed she slept through to the pre-dawn. Waking and stretching, looking about her making sure she was alone. Opening the door stepping out she shook the blanket and herself, heading back to the river to do what she needed to do. Getting back she walked the truck making sure it was all still secure, then back to the bench front seat. Pulling her breakfast and drink from it standing and eating watching the sunrise.
It would be a full day today. She needed to get back on the road arriving in town around mid-day, dealing with the Grocer with a little chat while unloading the goods, get paid not lingering and out again.
Taking a breath, she hoped it went that way.
Finishing up getting back in the truck she started it and got moving. Following the directions she knew making sure she stayed on the track. Going off it could be deadly. Some of the flora and fauna were not friendly on her world.
Her father told of the tales her ancestors passed on. Years of clearing deadly plant growth, making the land they used people and animal friendly. Much of it trial and error. But in other places like out here, they were not checked and grew rampant.
Unable to go any faster, she made town just after lunch.
Parking up outside the Grocer’s she made her way in. Mr Boddings coming to her excusing himself from a customer to do so, someone else taking his place.
“Betty, good to see you, I was worried on hearing about your father that you wouldn’t be able to make it.”
She shook the hand he offered her. “No change on the farm Mr Boddings, dad made sure of that and that we could full-fill our contracts. It’s as good as always and I put a little extra in there.”
He dropped her hand and escorted her outside going to the truck bed pulling the cover off and taking a sample tasting it. He nodded. “Not diluted and good quality. This is real good as always. Oh congratulations are in order. My best to you.” He gave her a nod and called his two men to unload the truck. “The contract is met. I’ll do the transfer. Come in, how about some coffee while we wait for them to unload.”
It was a strange thing to congratulate her on but she said nothing and took the coffee watching Mr Boddings go back to work. By the time she’d finished he was back over with the electronic pad showing she’d been paid. Putting her thumbprint on it it was recorded.
And as she did, a ruckass broke out in the street.
“Not again.” Mr Boddings sighed. “We’ve some new people in town causing trouble. You’d best be going Betty. See you next season.” She shook hands and left seeing the fight breaking out across the street further up. Heading her way. Truck in gear, she rounded the street and headed back out of town.
And kept going until she made the camp site once more.
Well passed dark this time. Having the moons lighting her way, locking up the truck she took her gun and wash bag and repeated her trip to the river as she had last time. Getting back and stretching her legs for a bit. Taking the last of her food. Saving a bit for the morning.
Sitting on the bonnet looking at the stars. Her world was beautiful with its two moons.
She didn’t know how it compared to Old Earth although by the images and vids, the colours of her world were very different and yet had similarities too. And guessed that was the way of things.