The Jorvlen smirked. “We’ve gotten word from the higher-ups that you’re to be moved. We’re this close to putting the next phase of the plan into action, and you’re the next piece of the puzzle.”

Levi’s heart caught in his throat, thinking the Jorvlens were about to drag him out of the cell right there and then. But to his relief, they just shot him another smirk before leaving him to eat his gray lumps.

“See you soon,” one of them lilted mockingly as they shut the door.

Levi frowned, his chest tightening as he wondered how soon “soon” was. It was still early—several hours to go until the trash collectors came through and Cora hitched a ride to the starship parts factory. Possibly several more until she could get back. And that was the best-case scenario. What if she got caught in the meantime? What if they moved him before she could get back?

Not even the rubber ball was enough to distract Levi now. It stayed firmly wedged between the mattress and the wall, and Levi stared into the blankness of the empty cell.

He had to have faith, and he knew he would fight tooth and nail to find Cora, no matter what happened. If the Jorvlens came to take him away, he’d try to escape, or else he’d escape later and find her.

One thing he did know—he wasn’t going to sit back and let the Jorvlens take everything and everyone he loved away from him.

Levi was suddenly struck by the word.

Everyone he loved.

A small, warm smile spread over Levi’s face as he pondered the thought and counted the seconds until Cora came back. He only hoped it wasn’t too late when she did.

He had something he needed to tell her.

Chapter 19

The line of trash cans looked horribly uninviting to Cora. Some of them were overfilled, their rotten stinking contents forcing off their lids. She avoided those and lifted the lid on one of the others that was still closed. The stench made her want to vomit, and she hurriedly closed the lid again.

As she went along lifting lids, she thought she might have to go back to the stinky can that was closed. All the others appeared to be full. She opened the last one and was relieved to find it half empty.

She checked up and down the street, and the coast was clear. Hurriedly, she climbed into the bin, forcing aside used drink cartons and vegetable peelings. She pulled the lid closed after her, plunging her world into darkness.

Once inside, she curled herself into a fetal position, hugging her knees close to her chest and squeezing her eyes tightly shut. What she was planning was risky.

“I can do this,” she whispered to herself in the dark confines of the trash bin. “Levi is counting on me. I have to do it. In fact, the whole fate of the universe could be counting on me!” She felt a little bolstered by the words. She felt she could be much braver if she were fighting for a big cause.

She could hear the bins at the beginning of the line being lifted one by one into the transporter. The noise moved gradually closer to her position. No turning back now, she thought as she felt her bin begin to shift.

She held her breath as the trash can jolted and bustled and then finally dropped into the back of the transporter with the rest. As the vehicle pulled away, she could feel herself sinking lower and lower into the garbage with the vibration of the giant hover transporter.

“Ugh, this is so gross,” she said under her breath, wriggling around and trying to get her feet under her. The oversized clothing wasn’t helping. Eventually, she worked her way into a better position.

I hope you’re right, Levi, and I’m not headed for some giant crusher! she thought as the transporter slowed down.

She wasn’t sure whether to stay in the can until they stopped or to hop out of it now and hide among the bins.

The vehicle came to a standstill. Cora found she was holding her breath.

“Morning, Grath,” said a male voice close by.

“Morning, Rejak,” said another.

“We’ve just got to do a quick check in the back. There’s been a couple of incidents on the base. A theft or something. Some woman the company is after is on the run,” the first voice said.

“I don’t know what she’d be doing in the trash,” said the second. “I doubt she’d find anything to steal in there!” They both laughed.

Cora went into a panic. As quietly as she could, she hunched down among the garbage. She discovered a sheet and carefully pulled it over her head.

She heard the rattle of the grilled door at the back of the truck and the guard climbing aboard before banging as he started opening the lids. “This is ridiculous,” he said as he was crashing about. “She ain’t even going to fit in one of these. They’re all full.”

“The company’s getting twitchy these days, Rejak. I reckon they’re up to something,” replied the driver.