Levi dug his fingers into her hips, much like the night before only with a different motion in mind.

He helped her go up and slammed her back down on him. Cora’s muffled groans seeped out of her pursed lips as she crashed down on him. He could feel her tight pussy surrounding his thickness.

The faster she went, the more Levi helped her. He wanted her to come all over him, just as she had the other night.

He had to push his face into her chest to muffle his climaxing growls as he got closer.

He felt her release, and she threw herself into his shoulder, tearing his shirt slightly as she bit down on his neck to stop her scream.

He couldn’t wait to get a room of their own so he could hear what she had been holding back all this time.

Levi felt her gush around him, and he slammed up into her one last time, triggering his own loss of control.

He felt his cock pulse violently as all his cum left in a throbbing sensation. He didn’t think he would ever stop.

Eventually he did. He felt Cora relax her grip and lie on him. They both caught their breath slowly, not wanting to gasp too loudly.

“Fuck, you’re good,” he whispered. He heard her chuckle into his neck.

She sat up and looked at him. Her hair was a hot mess, literally. She’s so sexy, Levi thought.

“I think we make a good team. In all things, it appears.” She slid off of him and got dressed.

Levi pulled his pants up and watched her. His heart was still beating fast, but it wasn’t from the sex.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest, cradling her.

They fell asleep quickly, embraced in one another’s arms.

Chapter 11

“Wake up, lovebirds!” a guard sneered as he barreled into the cell and pulled Cora and Levi apart. He threw Levi to the side and held Cora by the arm, looking her up and down as though he wished they could be alone.

“Get off of her!” Levi launched himself at the Jorvlen mass, hitting him in the face. The guard detached his hand from Cora and then planted it around Levi’s neck and squeezed. Levi kicked him in the gut and scoffed as the guard doubled over in pain.

Cora’s heart jumped into her throat as she watched the guard shoot a bloodshot glare at them. Stepping between her and the guard, Levi leveled a pointed stare. Don’t even think about it, it seemed to say.

“We knew it was only a matter of time before you bedded each other.” Another guard watched from the doorway of the cell, unconcerned. He barked a laugh. “What is it with Lorr and human chicks? I hear your royal family is lousy with ’em.”

Cora shivered and slipped into her clothes before anyone could stop her. Goosebumps had crawled across her flesh at the nauseating touch of the hideous Jorvlen. Her head ached, her eyes felt like sandpaper, and her mouth tasted like a sewer.

“Get it together, Loke,” the guard at the door ordered. “We gotta go!”

“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” the other wheezed. “How ’bout next time, you take the lumps and I stand by the door and do nothing?”

“How you doing?” Levi whispered to Cora, reaching for his own clothes while the guards argued.

Cora tossed her curls and ran her fingers through them, suddenly self-conscious. “I feel like I have the hangover without the party.” She rubbed her forehead and blinked hard.

“Well, I had fun last night,” Levi said, raising his eyebrows in mock resentment.

Cora managed a half-smile. “You know what I mean.”

Levi wasn’t going to give her an inch. “Of course. All the pain, none of the pleasure. I’ll have to try harder next time.”

Cora chuckled and pushed him playfully. “I think if you try any harder, I might keel over.”

“Hey! Break it up! No time for porking.” The guard from the door had come up behind them. Unlike the one who had absorbed Levi’s full weight to his midsection, this one seemed to have a brain. He stood just out of reach and pointed his weapon at Levi’s head.