Page 23 of Free Agent

When I looked up to check where Tatum was, I caught the moment he handed his card to the server, so I quickly typed out another reply.

I think I might do it.

I am going to do it.

I think.

No, I am. I AM.

I hope his big ass knocks your spine out of alignment. You deserve that, Ri – S.Ward

A bark of laughter leapt from my throat before I could help myself, and then before I could collect myself, Tatum was back at the table.

The threat of his big ass knocking my spine out of alignment made him seem to loom even larger.

“Come on,” he said, offering a hand to help me up from the table.

I didn’t even think about it; I just accepted it, relishing the warmth as he squeezed my fingers between his and led me from our seats to a private elevator I hadn’t known was there.

“The server told me this was back here,” he explained when we were inside. “Sneaky link agenda built into the infrastructure I guess.”

I just nodded, watching as he pressed a black key card to the scanner on the wall. There were no numbers to press, just that reader, and the elevator started moving.

Suddenly… I was nervous.

“Where did you get banned from?” I asked, verbalizing one of many questions bouncing around in my head to try to break up my anxiety.

He chuckled a bit. “You familiar with Arch & Point?”

“The strip club? Yeah…” I frowned. “Why on earth were you banned from there?”

“That damn reckless sense of justice.”

My mouth dropped. “Against the dancers?!”

“Against a patron who didn’t understand the word no.”

“And they banned you?”

He shook his head. “My agents banned me. Fighting at strip clubs doesn’t look good in contract negotiations.”

The elevator pinged, letting us know we were on the right floor.



Are you really going to a hotel room with this man?

This not-the-one-who-put-this-ring-on-your-finger man?

When Tatum started moving, so did I, following a half-step behind him to our designated room.

And then, inside the room.

So… yes.

I was going to a hotel room with this man.