I stepped closer. “Did he buy this condo for you?” I asked, and the look on her face once again was answering questions for her. I nodded. “So it would be real disrespectful if I took you in the kitchen and ate your pussy in front of him, huh?” I questioned.
“It’s just a question,” I replied.
“Yes, it would,” she answered, shaking her head. “And how do you even know he’s still here?”
“Because you put clothes on,” I said, gesturing at the T-shirt and shorts she was wearing now. “If it was just us, you wouldn’t feel like you needed that.”
“I’m not usually naked at home,” she defended.
“Maybe not,” I countered. “But you would have wanted me to know you were down for whatever I was down for. You may have put the shirt on, but you definitely wouldn’t be in those shorts,” I observed.
She rolled her eyes, but stayed quiet.
“And besides that,” I continued. “He doesn’t seem like the type to get the point on the first go around… or even the second, third, whatever. Y’all been together too long. He ain’t gonna drop it that easy. He loves you, and he’s not trying to let go.”
She still didn’t say anything, which was clearly, at this point, her preferred way of letting me know I was right.
Or rather, that she didn’t have a good counter-argument she cared to articulate.
“You want me to come talk to him with you?” I asked.
She immediately shook her head at that. “No. At least I don’t think so,” she amended. “I’m not even sure what he’s doing here. There’s nothing else for us to talk about.”
“Somebody probably saw us together yesterday, so he came to check the temperature. He didn’t think I’d be here, because he doesn’t believe you’re done yet for real.”
She blew out a sigh. “Of course he doesn’t. And it doesn’t help that his key still works.”
“He already knew the key would work,” I chuckled. “He always knew the damn key would still work, because it ain’t that easy for you to just drop it either. Your first love? Come on, Rori.”
“Ugh,” she groaned. “Okay. I gotta go get this over with. Again, I’m sorry,” she said. “This isn’t how I expected us to spend our morning.”
I shrugged. “Me either, but that’s not on you. It’ll take the time it takes. And after that, everybody will move on.”
“Right,” She nodded. “I’m gonna go…”
She didn’t finish that statement.
Just dipped out, presumably to where Monty was waiting.
Even though she said she didn’t need me available—or didn’t think she needed me available—I decided it was probably for the best to be prepared anyway.
Which was how I quickly realized I was missing my boxers. My thoughts went first to that little moment out on her balcony.
It was really about to piss Monty off when I went out there dick swinging to grab them.
But then, level-headedness reigned, and I remembered I hadn’t actually taken my pants off out there, just yanked everything down to get straight into it. I only got naked once we were indoors.
Lost opportunity.
As—bad—luck would have it, my boxers were hiding right under the bed the whole time.
I had an overnight bag in my vehicle from making the drive, but I hadn’t been presumptuous enough to bring it upstairs last night… Well, yesterday, when I was supposed to be dropping her off. I knew we’d have a good time together, but had made no assumptions about where my popping up would lead.