New exploration.
New pressure.
New intensity.
“Stop holding your breath,” Tatum murmured to me, breaking my concentration on the orgasm at hand.
“Relax,” he insisted. “Stop tensing up.”
“Sorry,” I breathed. “I’m just trying to focus.”
“You don’t need to focus.”
“I have to focus.”
“No, I have to focus. You just… feel.”
“But if I don’t focus, I won’t… finish.”
Tatum smirked at me, then pushed his fingers deeper, to a spot that made my mouth gape open. “I’m focused on you finishing, so you don’t have to.”
“What did I say?” he asked, tightening his grip on my hair, pressing his thumb against my clit harder.
“Empty your head,” he muttered against my lips, and then his tongue was in my mouth again, and I… did as I was told.
I closed my eyes.
Opened my mouth and let him hear how good it felt to me.
I followed every direction.
And my reward at the end was a surge of pleasure so intense it made my eyes roll back, legs shaking, mouth open as it moved through me, leaving me panting, leaning against Tatum for support.
But only for a moment.
That was all I got before he pulled me up from the table, hooking my legs around his waist for a quick transport to the bedroom, where we stripped down. My nerves were gone, replaced by the need to feel him, riding high on the hormonal surge of that first orgasm.
Until I was laid back on the bed, watching him put on the condom.
He was bigger than Monty. Not just his dick, but… also his dick.
The cockiness on his face as he grabbed me by the legs, pulling me to the end to meet him, made butterflies erupt in my belly. He spread my thighs apart, stepping between them as he looked me over, devouring me with his eyes.
“Are we still strangers?” he asked.
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Huh?”
“Just answer the question.”