“Watch your mouth when it comes to her, that’s first of all,” I warned, stepping in closer. “Second, you don’t know me, don’t know shit about me to tell me I’m wasting my time. Do you think I’m dumb? You’re what… trying to make her sound like damaged goods, so I drop her… and you think you’re going to weasel your way back into her good graces or something?”
"You're in the way of us fixing shit. Yeah, I want you to step aside.”
I laughed. “There ain't nothing to fix. She’s over your bullshit, man,” I told him. “She's moved on. Get a fucking grip. Don't you got a baby on the way?"
"Yeah, a baby for me and her to raise."
My eyes went wide. “Oh you’re losing it,” I cackled. “What about the child’s mother? And besides that… you think Rori is going along with that?”
“I think she was content with what we had until the pregnancy news came out the way it did. I think we'll be content again."
"I think you took one too many hits, man. Get out of my face," I told him, and when he still tried to block my way, I shoved him aside so I could walk off.
"Hey, I ain't finished talking to you," he said, coming up from behind me, some shit I didn't even give my attention to until grabbed me by the arm to yank me back.
My fist went flying before I could even think about it…
The first time.
The second time, I was fully aware and just didn't give a fuck.
"Ay, break it up!" I heard as we really started going at it, trading punches back and forth.
It didn't take long before other players were pulling us apart, and we had coaches berating us, asking what the hell we were doing, reminding us that this was a kids’ camp.
"This ain't a goddamn boxing ring," Coach Pierce shouted, stepping in front of me.
I glared right past him at Monty, who was wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth. "It’s not, but I damn sure get to defend myself," I said. "There’s a camera right there," I said, pointing at the side of the fieldhouse, which I had purposely taken him to just in case there was some bullshit. "Check the camera," I repeated.
"Fuck you! Fuck you!" Monty yelled, struggling to get away from the people holding him back as a crowd built.
"Nah, let him go," I said.
Coach Pierce put a hand to my chest, backing me up. "Hey. Let it go," he warned. "This ain't a good look. Let this nigga look crazy on his own," he told me.
Reluctantly, I did just that, accepting the corralling from Jordan and Cole, who’d come running up, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Shit, so was I.
I kept playing the confrontation over in my head as Cole got the fixers on the line, knowing we needed to get ahead of the drama. I was trying to figure out what I could’ve done different, but I kept landing on… nothing.
I should’ve punched his ass sooner, actually.
It was the same conclusion Rori came to, hours later, when we were engaged in our nightly debrief call. She was dumbfounded that he actually believed he might get her back, if I wasn’t in the way, but it actually didn’t surprise me.
Arrogance and audacity were a dangerous, but all-too-common combination.
“I saw that video. How is your shoulder after he grabbed you like that?” Rori asked.
“I’m good,” I told her. “Honestly. The team had me check in with physical therapy, but other than a little tingling, I’m good.”
“Good. All this is annoying enough without you getting injured because of me.”
“It wouldn’t have been because of you anyway. You didn’t make that boy an idiot, that’s all on him.”
“Yeah,” she laughed. “Still.”
“Still nothing,” I countered. “His actions aren’t your responsibility. And stay off the internet,” I chided, already knowing what kinda shit she was probably seeing.