“Hmm, what about before you became a father?” I ask. “Were you more relaxed back then?”

“Relaxed isn’t a word anyone has ever used to describe Gage,” Hayden says.

“I’ve always made sure I’m protected and my family’s protected,” Gage says.

“Well,” I say, “you need to get onto Ethan about putting a password on his phone. That man is out there playing fast and loose with his phone and it worries me to no end.”

Gage’s eyes flicker with an emotion I can’t quite pick. It’s like he’s made some kind of decision and feels certain about something. After he sips some more of his drink, he says, “Has Ethan mentioned Luna’s birthday party to you yet?”

I frown, confused at the change in conversation. “No, why? And why are we not still discussing how you’re going to get a password onto your brother’s phone. I’m being deadly serious about that.”

“I know you are,” he says, a new intensity blazing from him. “And I fucking like that. Not one woman Ethan has been with has ever worried about the fact he’s out there playing fast and loose with shit in his life. And while they’ve sat around our family table and spent the entire time trying to get him the fuck out of there as fast as they could, you’ve spent one night with us so far and you dragged him back in to be with his family. My daughter is turning six in a couple of weeks and I’d like you to meet her because you’re the kind of woman I want her to look up to. And because I suspect my brother intends on making you the only woman he ever brings to our family dinners again.”

I’m lost for words. But not for feelings. I’m overwhelmed by those. And if I’m not mistaken, I think I may shed tears if I don’t get a handle on these feelings, which isn’t something I really want to do right now.

But goodness, I haven’t experienced true family since my mother passed away, and now I’ve had it twice in twenty-four hours. And on top of that, it’s one of Ethan’s brothers who is saying things to me I didn’t even realize I needed to hear.

Gathering myself, I say as steadily as I can, “That’s the nicest thing someone has said about me for a long time. After the last few weeks of being judged as an immoral woman, it means a great deal for you to say I’m the kind of woman you want your daughter to look up to.” My voice cracks with emotion as I add, “Thank you for saying it.”

A darker mood moves into Gage’s eyes. “I have no idea how you endure it. I’d be out there silencing the fuck out of everyone, no matter what it took, like Ethan is.”

I don’t know what he means by that but before I get the chance to ask him, Bradford motions to Gage from across the table as he pushes his chair back and stands. Gage immediately stands, as does Hayden, and the three of them leave together, deep in conversation.

I’m watching them walk away when Ethan’s mouth brushes against the shell of my ear and he murmurs, “You good, Miller?”

I almost jump out of my skin, not expecting him. Turning, I meet his beautiful eyes. They hold none of his usual playfulness. Instead, he appears serious and I can tell that this is him checking in on me. “I’m good. I’ve just fallen for your brother a little.”

He takes Gage’s seat. “Which one? I’ll be sure to keep you two apart from now on.”

I smile and lean in for a kiss while sliding my hand under his suit jacket and curving it over his abs. “Gage, and there is no chance of me ever forgetting that you’re the Black brother who owns this filthy mouth of mine, so please don’t keep him from me. I enjoy his company too much for that.”

“Fuck,” he curses softly. “I really like seeing you with my family.”

My hand is still on his body and I’m unsure how I’ll let him go. “You say that like it’s something new for you.” I’m recalling what Gage said about the women Ethan has brought home before.

“It is new for me,” he confides. “Connecting my family with my girlfriends has always been difficult. For a number of reasons, the least of which was me and the emotional place I was in. With you, it feels easy.”

Ethan’s told me about his relationship with his parents, in particular his father, so I know that would have played a part in this. We haven’t really talked about the women he’s dated, so I have no knowledge of that, but Gage has me thinking that those women maybe didn’t support Ethan the way he needed. And while Ethan’s saying that connecting me with his family feels easy, I know that’s not all on me because he’s told me about the work he did on himself while he was away in Europe.

“I’m glad,” I say. “And just so you know, being with your family feels easy for me too.”

He rests his hand on my thigh. “I’m going to introduce you to my parents now. Are you ready for that?”

“Yes. Let’s hope they can forget that the first time they met me I was running away from my wedding.”

His eyes search mine. “You’re worried about that?”

“Yes.” I take a deep breath. “Our meet-cute really isn’t the kind that I think any parent would imagine for their child. Your dad gave me some looks at Callan’s wedding and I don’t blame him. And before you go all protector over that on my behalf, I think it’s a very reasonable response to seeing his son arrive at his other son’s wedding with a woman wearing the wedding dress she put on for another man.”

He takes that all in and is quiet for a moment while thinking about it. Then, he says, “What the fuck is a meet-cute? Did you and Leigh make that shit up?”

I pull my hand from his abs and pat his chest. “Contrary to what you think, Leigh and I do actual work all day. We’re very busy women. I suggest you use those thumbs of yours and spend some time on Google, grandpa, so you can keep up with us.”

His lips twitch. Then, he looks at his mom who’s sitting three seats away from me and says, “Mom, I’d like you to meet Madeline. And if you know what a meet-cute is, you two are bound to become fast friends.”

The warm smile his mother gives me can only be classified as the best thing that’s happened to me today. “It’s lovely to meet you, Madeline.” Her smile grows and her eyes twinkle as she glances at her son and then back at me. “I do know what a meet-cute is and I hope my son is right that we will become fast friends.”

I take back what I said about her warm smile being the best thing of today. What she just said has taken its place.