“Oh my god, Ethan, this is crazy talk.”

“Why? I want to see you and I can make that happen.”

“You can see me on your phone.”

“I can’t get my hands on you that way.” He bends his mouth to my neck to press a kiss there before saying, “I like sleeping next to you, Miller. Let me.”

I’m stunned that he would do this, but more than that, I’m happy he’s here. Giddily, stupidly happy. And if I thought I’d already fallen for him, I had no idea I could fall further, but I have. I am so deep in this with him.



On the Thursday four weeks after meeting Madeline, I’m at my place while she’s in Los Angeles to perform at a charity concert. I’ve spent the last three weeks going between New York and Nashville, often flying in for just the night because work has been keeping us both busy and we can’t spare longer than the night.

We woke together today but she had to leave for California early and I had to come home to attend a photography exhibition. I had less than forty minutes with her this morning, and most of that time was spent talking to her while she showered and got ready for the day. Due to our commitments, we haven’t been able to connect all day with a call or text; it’s safe to say I don’t recall much of the exhibition or of anything I did today because my mind has been on Maddie.

I’ve just walked in the door of my condo Thursday night when Callan texts.

Callan: You home?

Me: Yeah.

Callan: You got any beer?

Me: Yeah.

Callan: Put the game on. I’ll be there soon.

He arrives ten minutes later. I’ve got the beer ready and the football on the television and we spend half an hour watching the game before I ask, “Where’s Liv tonight?”

“She’s at some yoga thing with Blair.”

I look at him. “On a Thursday night?”


“Since when did Liv stop watching the Thursday night game with you?”

“Since now.”

Thursday night football used to be our thing before I fucked shit up between Callan and me. The three of us always watched the game together and sometimes we invited our brothers.

“She told me they’ll be doing this every Thursday for four weeks,” he says, “She told me I should find someone to watch football with because she doesn’t wanna hear me complain about her not being available.”

I reach for my phone and send our group chat a message.

Me: Liv. This is some rough shit you’re pulling on your husband just weeks after you married his ass. Ditching him for yoga every Thursday night.

She comes right back.

Olivia: I just fell off my yoga mat. Since when does Ethan Black engage in a group chat willingly?

Me: Are you actually at a yoga class? Surely they don’t condone texting while yogaing.

Gage: Yogaing? Is that a word now?

Bradford: It is when you’ve got a woman teaching you words.