“Dirty talk, Miller. Keep up.”
I could talk to him for the entire day and it still wouldn’t be long enough. “You didn’t tell me if it’s leg day.”
“It is. I’ve just finished in the gym.”
“Are you still wearing your hot-quad shorts?” Thinking about those shorts and his quads makes me even happier.
“Yeah, and I could be convinced to send you a photo of them if you give me a time for our call tonight.”
Oh my. My man really wants to spend time with me.
“I won’t get home until around eight tonight. I’ll call you then.”
“Eat dinner first and take your bath. I’ll be up late.”
“I could call you from the bath.”
“No, I’m gonna need to see all of you, spread out on your bed. Call me after your bath.”
His desire for me is intoxicating and I’m all breathy when I say, “You’re looking for a show?”
“Baby, I’m always looking for a show. But what I don’t think you realize is that you smiling at me through the phone is a show to me.”
I’m going to need so many stolen moments throughout today to revisit this conversation and the way he’s making me feel. “Right,” I gather myself, “what I’m taking from this is that I don’t really need to show you my tits tonight or talk dirty to you. I just have to show up and smile at you.”
“That’s all you ever have to do, Maddie. The rest is a bonus.”
This man.
He has no idea how good I’m going to make it for him tonight.
Tuesday morning is an earlier start for me than Monday. Four thirty a.m. to be precise, and I hate that I agreed to wake up at such a hideous time for a work thing. Ethan’s waiting text helps shift my grumpy mood.
Ethan: I’m canceling my dinner plans tonight. I need another FaceTime.
I reply before taking a shower.
Me: You can’t cancel. It’s a charity gala and you’re a guest of honor.
I take my shower, checking my phone pretty much as soon as I step out of it to see if he’s replied. That’s how much I crave him.
Ethan: I fucking hate galas.
Me: I see you’re grumbly again today.
Ethan: I’m not looking at you, Miller. That makes me grumbly.
Me: I feel the same way. I’m not sure about long-distance relationships.
Ethan: I’m sure about them. They shouldn’t exist.
Me: I can try to rearrange my schedule. I may be able to free up a day early next week if that works for you. I’ll come to you this time.
Ethan: No, don’t fuck with your schedule. I’ve just gotta get through this week of work here. The company is messing me around, wanting me to commit to more than I agreed to when I sold to them. I should be free by next Monday. Tuesday at the latest.
Me: It’s not fair to you to be the only one to change your life for us.
Ethan: I don’t give a shit about fairness. You’re flat out with work at the moment, so it makes sense for me to travel if I can.