He chuckles. “I kinda like this whiny version of you.”
“Babe,” he says and I melt, “you’re working. I’m trying to respect that.”
Leigh takes this moment to interject her thoughts. “You could have tried to respect that this morning.”
I laugh and angle my body back to face the front of the car as Ethan looks around me at her.
“When should I expect to start regretting that?” he asks, his tone light and fun, making me think he’s moved on from the Tucker encounter.
“Oh, Hottie, you have no idea,” she says before glancing out the window and announcing, “Okay, you two, we’re here. You’ve got five minutes.” She looks at Ethan. “If you decide to get all handsy, or dicky, I won’t hesitate to get back in the car with you and make things real awkward between the three of us.”
“Dicky?” Ethan’s amused. “Do you two sit around daily and come up with as many outlandish concepts as you can?”
I grin, knowing that he’s referring to my talk of the FBI listening in on his phone calls, but Leigh just gives him her best scary look and says, “No sex, Hottie. Keep your dick to yourself.”
Once we’re alone, he pulls me onto his lap. “We need to introduce our assistants to each other. Troy is just as in my face with shit as Leigh is. They’ll be fucking in no time and then I’ll have your filthy mouth whenever I want without being ordered to stop.” His hands are up under my T-shirt by the time he finishes talking and he’s got them all over my breasts.
“Are you seriously groping me like a teenager right now, Black?” It’s a good thing there’s a screen between us and my driver.
“Fuck, yes.” He bunches my shirt up so he can get his eyes on my boobs. “You try being me and see how long you can go without touching these tits.”
“You went days without doing that when we met.”
His eyes find mine as he slows everything down. “If we’d met under different circumstances, it wouldn’t have been days.”
I stare at him. There’s so much to say but only minutes before I have to go. I press my body to his. “How long are you staying in Nashville?”
“I have to leave tomorrow. Callan’s coming home from his honeymoon and I want to spend some time with him over the weekend before he gets busy again with work and life.”
“I like that you told me why, but you didn’t have to.”
“I told you I’m in this with you, Maddie.” He gently sweeps a strand of my hair away from my eyes. “For me, that means sharing things about my life like this with you. I don’t know what you’ve had before with guys, but I’m into transparency. No secrets, no lies.”
“No games,” I say softly, threading my fingers up into his hair at the nape of his neck, loving every word coming out of his mouth.
He nods. “No fucking games.”
I hold his gaze for a long moment before saying, “I want all of that too. And I also want a proper Ethan kiss. I’m not letting you go until you give me one.”
“An Ethan kiss?” His lips quirk.
“You don’t do anything fast when it comes to kissing or sex. I’ve decided this must be your trademark.”
His eyes show how entertained he is by me. “Your mind is fucking fascinating with the shit you come up with.”
“Jesus, Black.” I grow impatient. “Are you gonna hurry up and kiss me before Leigh gets back in the car and starts—”
His mouth cuts me off and he finally, finally, gives me the kiss I want.
Bestie, strap in for story time about our girl @madelinemontana. Remember when we said, “Tucker who?” because @ethanblack hit our radar? Well, it turns out we may now be backing the right man. @tuckerbrandt went full feral on Maddie today at the Nashville Airport, stunning the crowd when he grabbed her menacingly. We haven’t found a video that shows what happened before he did this, but he clearly appeared to be threatening her. Giving the full ick. And then, our new king Ethan stepped into the fray, protector mode activated. Again. And he seriously ate that. He just brings main character energy with him. We’re in a frenzy searching high and low for more, more, more of Ethan & Maddie. This relationship is a credit card slam for us. Take our money and let us binge-watch their life. It would be the hottest reality TV. We’ve noticed though that they aren’t moots on Insta. What does that meeeeean? We need to know everything!