“Let them film. I’m holding my head high now. The only things I’ve done wrong in all of this have been not listening to myself, allowing people to make decisions for me, and not paying attention to the details. Lesson fucking learned.” I take a deep breath. “I’m not burying my head in the sand anymore, Leigh. I’m taking charge and we’re not fucking going down.”
With that, I stride toward the car, my shoulders pushed back. If Tucker wants a fight, I’ll damn well give him one.
“Have you spoken with Dad yet?” Hayden asks me quietly during our family dinner on Wednesday while everyone else is engaged in a lively conversation with Luna, Gage’s five-year-old daughter, about her new teacher, who she adores.
“Yeah, we had a quick chat this afternoon.” I spent two days driving home from Louisville and then went straight into a meeting this afternoon with the company that acquired mine so we could iron out some details regarding my continuing presence as an advisor. I called Dad after I stepped out from the meeting.
“And? Did you say yes?”
“Fuck no.” I look at him like he’s lost his mind. He knows I have zero intention of ever accepting a job at Dad’s company. “What have you been smoking today? He wants to turn me into a venture fucking capitalist and you know that’s never gonna happen.”
He lifts his glass of whiskey to his mouth. “I’m just checking to see that all the time you spent in Europe didn’t turn you into someone I don’t know. Glad to know it didn’t.”
I grin and at the same time, Luna comes around the dining table to crawl up onto my lap. I welcome her with open arms and help her settle in, at which point she grips my shirt and says, “Uncle Ethan, Daddy said you’re coming to my birthday party. Will you take photos of me?”
Fuck, I love this kid and have missed her. “Of course.” I squint my eyes questioningly at her. “What are you dressing up as this year? I’ll need to bring the right props.” This is something Gage started with her first birthday. He went overboard and dressed her up as a princess, and since then the two of them have made a tradition out of selecting her outfit and dressing her up each year.
Her eyes sparkle with joy. “Daddy bought me a unicorn tutu dress! It’s so pretty.”
“Excellent. I will find the exact right props for your birthday photos.”
“And Sarah is coming too! She has to be in the photos with me.”
“Who’s Sarah?”
“My best friend, silly.”
I chuckle. “Right. Got it. She’ll be in all the photos too.”
“No.” She shakes her head madly. “Not all the photos. Mommy and Daddy will be in some. And Michael.”
“Remind me again who Michael is.” I’m sure I’ve never heard of this guy, but my memory may be failing me.
Eyes still alight with joy, she says, “He’s going to be my new daddy when Mommy marries him.”
Her new daddy? I glance across the table at Gage and catch his darkened gaze. He doesn’t correct his daughter, though. Gage is the best father I know and not once since his divorce from Luna’s mother has he succumbed to the kind of nasty behavior I often see exes engaging in over their children. Shayla, his ex, has, but not Gage. Luna’s wellbeing is his priority, and I can’t imagine he would ever want to take away her excitement over having another family member in her life.
I smile at Luna. “Okay, so there will be lots of photos with all the people you want in them. Will you send me an invitation so I know where and when your party is?”
Her forehead crinkles with a frown. “Daddy already sent you one.” She looks at her father for confirmation.
Gage nods to verify he sent the invite. “Uncle Ethan has been away, so he probably hasn’t had a chance to read the invitation yet.”
“I’ll look for it tonight,” I promise her.
Once she’s satisfied that I’ll be at her party, she slides off my lap and runs to her grandfather who lifts her up with a smile. The two of them then talk quietly and I’m struck by the easy way Dad immerses himself with her and the obvious affection they have for each other. It’s so unlike the way he raised his sons. Sure, he spent time camping and fishing with us, and taught us stuff, but there were always strict expectations and not the kind of affection I’m observing now.
Gage arches his brows at me. “I heard you’re moving to Nashville.”
“Smartass,” I mutter, but it’s no lie that my mind goes immediately to Madeline at the mention of Nashville. She texted me yesterday to let me know she arrived home safely but we haven’t texted or spoken since. My thoughts have been returning to her obsessively, thinking about the time we spent together. Remembering her kisses, her touch. The sex. Fuck, the sex. And in amongst all those thoughts, I’m hoping she’s okay with all the shit she’s dealing with.
“So?” Gage nudges. “Will you see the runaway bride again?”
“Yeah.” Fuck yes.