It’s been a long time since I’ve shared space with a woman and I’m unsure how I’ve forgotten the mess they can make. When I returned from getting our dinner last night, Maddie had taken a shower and, in the process, spread all her shit from one end of the room to the other. My bed was the only area left free. The bathroom also had her beauty products strewn everywhere. When I stumble into the bathroom first thing Monday morning after very little sleep, I almost trip over her shoes. I curse loud enough to wake her.
“Sorry,” she says when I come out from the bathroom. She’s half sitting up in bed with the sexiest fucking bedhead hair and those beautiful blue eyes of hers looking at me with apology. “I’ll be tidier from now on.”
I try hard not to let my eyes wander down to her chest but it’s an impossible task. One of the thin straps of the silky pajama top she’s wearing has slipped off her shoulder and as I take it all in, I wish to Christ I’d tried harder to keep my eyes on her face.
I’m staring at a whole lot of skin and a nipple that’s only just hidden by silk.
Tearing my gaze away, I head for my bag to find clothes. “I’m gonna go get coffee. Do you want anything?”
She pushes the bed covers off and gets out of bed and fuck me, those tiny pink silk pajama shorts may be the death of me.
“I would die for coffee. With creamer please. And if they have cinnamon caramel syrup, I’ll have that too.”
My eyes are in a mood for my demise today. They’re glued to her long legs as she walks toward the bathroom. They’re so fucking glued there I may need help removing them.
In the end, it’s the bathroom door closing that breaks the spell. I can only hope Maddie plans on covering all her skin today. Otherwise, it’s going to be a long day.
I find a coffee shop down the street and while I’m waiting for our order, a group chat text comes in.
Hayden: Have we figured out where Styiiiioop is yet?
Olivia: St. Louis?
Gage: Why would Ethan be going to St. Louis?
Kristen: Does he know anyone there?
Hayden: I don’t think so.
Olivia: I’m thinking of places that start with “St”.
Kristen: Is sending texts that need deciphering normal for Ethan?
Hayden: No.
Kristen: Ooh, so this is new?
Olivia: The emoji is confusing. It doesn’t feel very Ethan.
Gage: Not confusing. If any emoji represents Ethan, it’s the middle finger.
Olivia: Right, I get that, but it’s not like he gives us the middle finger. It’s odd.
Bradford: I called Troy. Ethan’s on a road trip with the runaway bride. They’re going to Sedona.
Olivia: God, I have no idea why I didn’t think to call his assistant.
Kristen: You’re kinda busy on your honeymoon.
Hayden: How’s your father, Liv?
Olivia: He’s doing well. He’s recovering at home after the stent surgery.
Hayden: Glad to hear it.