His only response to that is to give me a look, and holy heck, this look makes my core want to seize control of all my decisions today.

Ethan has some feelings over me moving here and he doesn’t want to wait a second longer to hear about it.

“I bought a condo yesterday. Hayden’s pushing for it to close in a couple of weeks, but I’m going to fly home tomorrow, pack some things, and stay in a hotel until I can move in.”

“What about your work? Aren’t you better off based in Nashville?”

I snake an arm around him. “Okay, your first girlfriend lesson is this: when she tells you she’s moving to the city where you live, which means you’ll no longer have to drag your ass to her city every night, you should tell her this makes you very happy.”

He’s amused but mostly holding it in as he grips my leg possessively, bringing me in closer to him. “If we’re handing out lessons here, babe, a woman should keep her man in the loop at all times. She should also know that when her man has a perfectly acceptable bed at his place, staying in a hotel isn’t something that’s gonna happen.”

I bite my lip. I thought he might say this. “That feels very much like jumping fast.” At his frown, I glance down at the tattoo on his chest and remind him, “You told me you don’t want to jump so fucking fast anymore.”

“Jumping fast would be moving you in. All I’m suggesting is that you rest your head on a pillow in my place each night until you can do that in your own place.”

I laugh. “You have a way with words, Black. Rest my head on a pillow.” I give him a flirty look. “Does that mean that’s all I’ll be doing in your perfectly acceptable bed?”

“So long as you put those granny undies of yours on while you’re in my bed, I don’t care what else you do.”

“That’s because you know those undies always come off so easily. I’m onto you. You’re a very strategic thinker.”

“Are you going to tell me how this will affect your work? I’m more than happy that you’re moving here, but if it’s going to put you at a disadvantage in any way, that will cancel out my happiness.”

I roll so that I’m on top of him, bringing our faces close. “Those women that called you those names never even knew you, Ethan.” My tone is soft but my energy is intense because I’m deeply affected by the way he cares for me and wants nothing but the best for me. “If they did, they’d have used words like gentleman, one in a million, a good man, a king.” I pause and all we do in this moment is watch each other, taking the other in, processing so many feelings. “Moving to New York will work well for my career. I’ve signed with the new label, and my new manager and I have found a songwriter and producer to work with here. Judy’s pulling back on my PR commitments so I can get back to writing. Things are going to quieten down a bit now.” I rest all my weight on him and grind a little, getting the exact reaction I’m looking for when he groans. “We’ll have more time for you to practice your orgasm-delivering skills.”

His hand is on my ass. His brows are arched. His eyes are so heated. “You’re saying my skills are lacking?”

I grind some more. “I believe in personal growth, Black.”

He squeezes my butt before smacking it. “Get this ass up, Miller, and into the bathroom. We’re going to brush our teeth and then I’m going to practice my bossy skills and order you into doing some truly filthy shit. After that, I’ll think about practicing other skills.”

Ethan’s work commitment today is a charity gala lunch that Kristen’s foundation is hosting. He agreed to be the official photographer even though this isn’t the kind of photographic work he usually does. After he has a call with Kristen to double check a few things, he tells me that I now have an invitation to attend. I absolutely want to go, especially since he told me that Kristen’s foundation is focused on helping women rise, however, it’s a black-tie event and with just over an hour until the lunch starts, I’m not sure I can pull it off. I don’t have anything to wear. Ethan texts Kristen to ask if she has a dress, and within seconds she’s texting me.

Kristen: Can I give your number to my sister? She’s a stylist and is sure to have something for you.

Me: That would be great. Thank you!

Kristen: I’m excited you’re coming but also disappointed that I won’t have a lot of time to spare to chat with you. Promise me we’ll get together another time when you’re back in New York.

Me: Well, since I’m moving here, I hope we’ll get to know each other.

Kristen: Bradford is so dead for not telling me this information.

Me: LOL. Ethan only just found out today. Spare Bradford’s life.

Kristen: See you later xx

I eye Ethan who’s looking hotter than ever as he fastens his cufflinks on his white dress shirt. That shirt isn’t done up all the way and I, for one, hope he doesn’t bother with those top few buttons. I like them exactly how they are.

“Don’t look at me like that, Miller.” He finishes with the cufflinks and snags his jacket from the bed. “I don’t have even five minutes to spare for that filthy mouth of yours.”

As my phone sounds with a text, he leans in for a kiss. “I’m sorry I can’t wait for you.” He needs to get to the hotel where the lunch is taking place so he can see what he’s working with there.

I wave him off. “Go. Don’t even think about me.”

“You’ll arrange security, right?” That concerned, protective glint in his eyes always hits me low in my stomach.

“Yes. I’ve texted Leigh to ask her to handle it for me. She’s on it. I won’t step outside this condo without a big, strong man by my side.”