Me: I really got lucky when I met you. Thank you for being so cool about my work.
Me: I’ll miss you tonight.
Our FaceTime call lasted for two hours last night. There was no dirty talk or boobs involved. We talked about ourselves and our lives for the entire two hours.
Ethan: The gala planners will wish they never invited me by the time I’m finished there.
I get to sleep in on Wednesday. Well, to six a.m. I also get a phone call from Ethan, which is what wakes me because my alarm was actually set for seven.
“You should know up front that I’m not a morning person, Black.” I answer his call still half asleep and a tiny bit grumpy about being woken. But let’s face it, I’d take a call from this man at any time of the day and be happy about it.
“We’re long past the up-front stage of this relationship, Miller. I feel like I’ve been duped here.”
I laugh and sit up in my bed. “You’ve known me a week. When exactly did the up-front stage end?”
“I’ve known you eleven days and anything before the first time you begged me to fuck you was the up-front period.”
“Begged is an exaggeration.”
“You’re the unreliable narrator in this relationship, not me. Begged is entirely accurate.”
I laugh again. “I am so not the unreliable narrator.”
“You told me you’re not a morning person, yet you’ve laughed twice already. I’ve also known you to wake ready to wrap that filthy mouth of yours around my cock. I’d say you’re good in the morning and that your version of events cannot always be trusted.”
I have never met a man who did banter so well. “Okay, so let me state the facts again. Before I met you, I was not a morning person. You make mornings fun.” He makes everything fun.
“Fuck, I wish I was there with you.”
“I do too. How was the gala?”
“It was long. I gave them some cash and bought my way out of there early.”
“Oh my god, you did not!”
“I did. I would have given it to them earlier in the night so I could have made it home in time to call you before you fell asleep but Kristen talked my ear off and I couldn’t leave.”
Ethan’s told me about his new sister-in-law and I know it’s important to him to get to know her and build a relationship. I love that he chose to talk with her rather than leave the gala early to talk to me. I like that family is his priority. “Who knew you could be such a grumblebum. I know you would have welcomed every minute of that conversation with her.”
“A grumblebum? I see you and Leigh have been sitting around making up new words.”
“It’s an Aussie word. I picked it up when I was there on tour. It’s pretty much perfect for you this week. You’re being very cantankerous.”
“Tell me we’re FaceTiming tonight.”
“I’ll be finished with my bath by seven.”
“Thank fuck. And Miller?”
“Put a pair of those granny undies on for me tonight.”
Me: I hate today.
Ethan: It’s 5am, Miller. How can you already hate today?
Me: Because I won’t get to talk with you on the phone today.