“Ethan.” She attempts to push me away. When I place a hand to her back to keep her close, she presses against my chest and says, “My morning breath is so bad. I’m not kissing you.”
I don’t ease my grip on her. “I don’t give a fuck about morning breath.”
She doesn’t remove her hands from my chest, and I figure pretty quickly that we’re gonna need to brush our teeth before she’ll let me do what I want to her.
Letting her go, I jerk my chin at her. “Let’s move this to the bathroom. We’ll brush our teeth and then we’ll get in the shower.”
Heat fills her eyes. “So bossy.”
I move in close like I’m going to kiss her. “Now, or else I’m taking what I want here in this bed.”
Her phone rings and she glances at it briefly before shifting off me and ignoring the call.
She’s halfway toward the bathroom when it starts up again.
“You gonna get that?” I ask, following her.
With a shake of her head, she says, “No, I want to brush my teeth so I can have your dick.”
“You’ve got a filthy mouth, Miller.” I hook my arm around her waist so I can pull her in close and growl against her ear, “I want it around my dick.”
“What will I get out of that?”
“I seem to recall you’ve already received some orgasms. How about we call it even once you’ve blown me?”
She turns and loops her arms around my neck as her phone starts ringing again. Her eyes hold a sexy promise I want her to make good on. “So, just to get this straight, I owe you for those orgasms?”
My lips quirk. “You’re the one who asked what you’d get out of a blowjob, so it seems I’m the one being asked for payment here.”
Her body presses to mine, and I swear she almost kisses me. I fucking wish she would. “I like waking up with you,” she murmurs.
I like many things about Madeline, but it might be her pure honesty that I like the most. Simple truths like the one she just gave mean a lot to me. The women I’ve dated never shared this kind of honesty so easily. I’ve always had to play a lot of games and jump through many hoops, and I’m damn tired of that shit.
“I like waking up to you sleeping on me.”
Her smile is broad. And then, I receive a roll of her eyes. “Smart-ass.”
I let her think I’m teasing and when her phone rings for the fourth time, I remember the texts I received about hitting the news with her. “I think you should take that call. We made the news overnight. It might be about that.”
Her easy smile disappears but she doesn’t let me go. “I wanted to stay in our bubble for a bit longer.” She sighs and then removes her arms from around my neck before reaching for her phone.
“Hey, Leigh,” she says, not an ounce of enthusiasm in her voice.
I let her take the call in peace and head into the bathroom to take a shower. Something tells me there’s no blowjob in my future.
When I emerge from the bathroom with a towel around my waist, Maddie’s wearing her pajamas and is sitting on her bed reading something on her phone.
“How bad is it?” I ask, coming to stand in front of her.
She looks up at me and where I assume to see distress of some kind, I see only exhaustion. And not the kind from little sleep. Standing, she passes me her phone. “Take a read.”
Bestie, great news: @madelinemontana was not kidnapped by a serial killer! She showed up on socials last night and let’s just say, girl made a statement of her own and we were here for every word. After we fell off our chair reading it, we gathered ourselves up and mentally prepared for the next shot to be fired in this saga. We seriously thought it would be from @tuckerbrandt but it came from OOMF who spotted our girl out in the wild. And bestie, we are shook! How did we not know that our girl Maddie is friends with @ethanblack #gasp They got themselves into a little altercation at a bar last night, and it has to be said that Ethan BMS when he went all OTT protective over our girl. We stan a protector king. And we’re so ready for a new love story to follow. Tucker Who?
“BMS? OOMF? OTT?” I place her phone in her hand. “What the hell do all those letters mean and why the fuck can’t people just use plain English?”
Amusement forces its way past her exhaustion. “Oh, grandpa, we need to get you educated so you can keep up with this century.”