Page 83 of Cunning Vows

“I feel much the same way about my dogs,” he says with an arrogant smile. “My mother loves Mexican food. I hope you’re okay with that?”

I sigh. I’m out of my fucking mind actually doing this. But it might be an interesting distraction to watch how a normal mother interacts with their adult child since mine is currently trying to fuck me over at every turn now that Alek isn’t around.

“I’ll be sure to bring my sombrero,” I say, exasperated.

He chuckles as he grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb over it.

I stare and stare and stare.

I really have gone mad.



“It seems strange you’re not forcing your mother to your god-awful restaurant,” I say as we pull up in front of what looks to be a popular Mexican restaurant. I wouldn’t know because I rotate between a select few that I already know I like.

“It doesn’t hurt to try different things, Anya. Besides, we ate there last night,” he says, rather smug. “You’re going to enjoy it.”

“Lucky me, because we all know how much I love margaritas.” I roll my eyes as we get out of the car. He locks it and places his hand on my lower back as the valet comes to take his keys.

“Let your hair down,” River orders.

I stop walking and look at him.

“This won’t work if you tell me what to do.”

“I love your hair down, and you always have it up. Put it down.”

“It takes a lot of effort to get it like this,” I say, pointing at the bun. It’s slicked back and got a lot of product in it.

“And while it’s beautiful, I prefer it down,” he growls, and it’s that tone that promises sweet, sweet pleasure. I bite my bottom lip.

“Don’t give me that look, Red,” he says, his voice gravelly. “We can at least say hi to my mother first.”

“And after that?” I ask innocently as I start to unpin my hair. He watches me intensely. I hate those eyes, how they stare into me, make me forget who I am, and get me to do whatever he wants. That is way too much power for my liking.

“After that, I’m going to break into your home and fill that sweet little cunt of yours. I’m going to tie each of your limbs to a bedpost and torture you into oblivion,” he says. My pussy throbs and floods at the visual. “Since you’re behaving like such a good girl.”

Once my hair is free, he places both of his hands at the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss. We stand in the middle of the walkway, two people oblivious to anything around us. His tongue slides in my mouth and takes over. I moan into his mouth, and he pulls me closer. I can feel his hardness through his pants, proof of how badly he wants me.

I want him just as much.

“River.” He pulls back at the sound of his name, then stares at me and wipes my lips.

“I’ll just be a second, Mother,” he says, and he gives me his best charming smile. “I smudged your beautiful lips.” I let him try to fix it, but I can sense his mother’s stare on the back of my head. “Perfect,” he whispers, then steps back and grabs my hand as if he thinks I’ll run.

I may run.

I just haven’t decided where to yet.

“Mother, you remember Anya from the phone call?”

His mother, petite and blond, stares back at me.

“Yes, I do.” She nods, and River keeps a hold of my hand as he leans in and kisses his mother’s cheek.

“You took longer than I expected today. It was just me and the dogs. Where have you been? I come to visit, and you don’t even make time for me,” she accuses, and I know it’s because of me.