Page 95 of Cunning Vows

He’s shaved his red hair since I last saw him, and he looks like he’s bulked up a little. He adjusts his gloves as he eyes River, who slowly lowers his gun.

I walk up to him, and where most might expect an embrace and joyful reunion, I punch him in the face. “Are you fucking kidding me? You left for six fucking months and then turn up as if nothing has changed.”

His face grows red as he grinds his jaw. “The last voice message you sent sounded suicidal.”

My eyes bulge in disbelief. “You’re crazy if you ever think I’m taking my own life. You have a lot to make up for.”

His gaze catches on the ring around my throat, but he says nothing. He’s always been a man of few words.

River steps up beside me. “I’d like to say it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, but that would be a lie. If you ever hurt her like that again, I’ll put a bullet in you myself.”

Alek’s arrogant smile blooms with the threat. Some things haven’t changed, but he seems different. Off, even.

I know Alek and River have most likely spoken over the phone but they’ve never met in person.

“This is River Bently, Alek. He’s coming into partnership with us,” I explain.

“And fucking my sister, so I hear,” Alek says as he steps around me and looks at Meredith’s photo. He leans over and spits on her grave.

“I should’ve been there with you,” he says quietly.

“Yes, you should’ve,” I reply as I put my hands on my hips. “So where is this fucking dancer you left me for?”

Alek’s jaw grinds as he walks past me and gives River the once-over again. “Good luck competing with her jealousy,” he says and stuffs his hands into his pockets. “Don’t worry about the dancer. I’m back now. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

I go to press him further but am held back by something. As regal as Alek appears, there’s something off about him, and I can’t put my finger on what it is.

I might be his twin, but there’s a part I’m realizing now that I may have never understood or even touched on.

After six months of hell, this is all he has to say to me?

“Should we spit on her grave together just for good luck, Tanya?” River says, distracting me from my brother. “C’mon, your brother’s back now. You can ask him all the questions when you’re back home. But this… this is a onetime opportunity,” he says as he points at the grave with his gun. “And I must confess I like watching you spit. Preferably on my cock.”

I can’t help but smirk at his vulgarness, even at a funeral.

“It seems like we’re both going to hell, Lake,” I say as I push back my hair, which I’ve been wearing down all week.

“If that’s where you are, then that’s where I’ll be as well,” he says as he holds my hand. I feel torn as to whether I should follow my brother or stay with the man who has filled a space in my heart I never realized was empty.

“I think I might like you a little, Lake,” I say as I rub my thumb over his.

He chuckles. “Well, I know I’m absolutely in love with you, Red.”

I try to hide the smile.

Then to hell we go.




“Put the ring on, red,” he tells me. I look down at it as we walk out of the courthouse. We just got married.

I finally agreed to marry him, but the ring still hangs around my neck.

It took over a month for me to get here, but here I am. Dressed in a simple black dress and my red heels. I’ve left my hair down because that’s how River loves it.