Page 9 of Cunning Vows

“Whatever you say, lover boy. In that case, my fee to find him will be double. Multiple people are already looking for him. Information like this is expensive and hard to come by.”

“You’re the best, are you not, Will?”

“Yes, I am. I’ll find him.”



“Miss, his men have come around three times this week already,” Clay says, more insistent than usual. I offer him my best eye roll as he hands me my red leather jacket.

“We have an auction tonight, Clay. You know I can’t be fucking around wondering if I’ve upset River Bently. I couldn’t care less about that fuckhead.”

The truth is, I read every message and email he sent. And deleted them. Because he’s a fuckhead. I’ve never known someone so bold to continuously demand my attention without understanding the repercussions.

Clay simply nods as I shuffle into my jacket and look into the mirror to reapply my red lipstick. I look hot tonight. It’s no surprise since I do for every occasion. I run a hand over my tight bun, ensuring no hair is out of place.

Some of my top buyers are in attendance tonight, so everything needs to go smoothly as usual. I remain unseen with Clay and Vance in a private room until only a few minutes before the auction begins. This is so I can scout those who are in attendance and show my appreciation as I sweep the room, yet not leave enough time for someone to think they’re an exception to private dealings and can speak with me.

I have no need to converse with anyone here. After all, they’re here to purchase unique packages only.

A knock comes at the door, and my eyebrows furrow at the intrusion. Vance and Clay exchange a look before Vance checks the security camera.

“River is here, miss.”

I feel the tic in my temple jump. This guy.

“Shoot him,” I say, tired. That’s one way to deal with this thorn in my side.

“Miss,” Clay ever so lightly reprimands, “if you were to shoot someone at your own auction, it won’t go well with the patrons.”

I sigh, tortured by their lack of understanding of my dry humor.

“It was a joke.” I shrug. But not really. I want nothing more. “Kick him out.”

“I can’t. He paid to be here. He plans to bid,” Vance says.

I bite the tip of my nail and murmur, “Sneaky bastard.” Who does he think he is? The only ways to receive an invitation to our auctions is through private screening by Alek and me or only a few privileged members are able to invite one guest every decade.

I ponder whose pocket he filled just to be here, but I’m also mildly impressed he could corner someone to do it within two weeks.

“The auction starts in ten,” Vance says, cautious around what commands I might have. Because if I did tell them to kill River now, they would.

While I don’t emcee the auctions, I am always there to make sure they go as smoothly as possible. And this is already a complication I would rather not face tonight. So I won’t. I’ll do as I’ve always done when it comes to River Bently. I’ll ignore him.

“He’s gone, miss,” Vance reports. That was faster than I thought. Maybe I do have some charm after all. “He’s sitting at his table.”

Or maybe not as much as I’d hoped. I’ll be fucked if I’m going to let him intimidate me at my own auction. He’s more of an annoyance I simply can’t swat away.

“The auction stops for no one, even a fuckhead,” I say dismissively as Vance opens the door.

I follow my men out to the large, dome-shaped seating area. Our lady auctioneer stands in the middle of the podium and is the center of attention. I have worked with her for over five years now, and pay her very generously. Might I say I even like her. I don’t like many people, but she gets the job done and doesn’t fuck around or take anyone’s shit. And you have to be able to get your job done here and not think of the wrongs we are doing.

She’s wearing the pearl necklace I recently gifted her. A smile dares to lift the corner of my mouth as I admire it.

As my men escort me to my table, I look around the room. I note servers walking around amongst the many familiar faces. When one server bends over, their ass cheeks peek from beneath the short skirt. It’s all very intentional. Especially at my auctions where I sell sex.

However, if anyone were to lay a hand on one of them, they’d be kicked out immediately. This room is reserved for those who can refrain from impulse. Well, until they secure the winning bid for their item of choice at the auction.