Page 71 of Cunning Vows

“You think too highly of yourself,” she scoffs.

“Why do you think we get along so well?” I retort. “Help me understand yesterday. You come in, guns blazing at my restaurant because you want to talk business. You ask me to stop following up on your brother and Meredith, which, by the way, I’m trying to find your brother to help you. Then we have sex and you split.”

“You just want to know where my brother is so you can deal with him instead,” she seethes.

“I don’t want to do business with anyone but you, Anya. I won’t apologize for my ambition in wanting in on the auctions and territory. Personal feelings aside, we will both profit if we work together. But I’m here for you, Anya. So what did you want to say to me yesterday?”

She turns away, and I wait. And wait. And wait. Getting this she-devil to open up is a nightmare. But when the silence becomes too great for her, she looks to the snake watch and says in a clipped tone, “My brother finally called me. You need to back off. Whatever you’re doing, stop it. He’ll kill you if he has to. The same goes for Meredith.”

“Sooo, you’re trying to tell me you care about my safety?” I ask, grinning.

“No,” she snaps, abashed by the insinuation.

I chuckle, wanting to place my hand on hers but knowing better right now than to touch the prickly bitch. Anya will come to me again in her own time. And if it’s not within a week, then I’ll break into her fucking house to make it happen.

Chivalry be damned when she likes to be fucked like a whore.

“You want Alek found, don’t you?”

“I don’t. Now, leave it.”

“It’s all you’ve wanted since he disappeared, Red. I couldn’t care less if he threatened me. If finding your brother is what will make you happy, then I’ll make it happen.”

She goes to speak, but the jeweler walks in. I hand her my credit card, and she swipes it with no issue before I sign for it. Reaching for the bag, I hold it as we stand. Anya eyes it but doesn’t say anything as we walk out.

“How about lunch?” I ask.

“I’ve already eaten,” she says, still not reaching for the bag in my hand.

“How about dinner?”

“I’m sure I have plans,” she bites back.

And just when there’s a glimmer of the vulnerable woman she can be, the she-devil comes back out.

“What can I get you to do for this jewelry?” I ask, holding it out of her reach.

“You can keep it. I’m sure it will look amazing on you.” She turns and walks off. I watch her go, dressed in a different red dress today, her hair up in her usual bun, and wonder what I have to do to make her scream my name next time I fuck her.

Because there will be a next time.

I have no doubt.

I just need to pull out more of the Anya I’ve seen glimpses of hidden underneath that tough exterior.

As I stand here and watch her ass swaying back and forth, all I can think is… When did I become so whipped?



Ido what any sane woman does when she comes across a dilemma, and what one might consider emotional turmoil. I go shopping. River has seriously pissed me off. Not only is he tracking me, but he also took my fucking jewelry with him.

Clay and Vance walk behind me with multiple shopping bags. For the first time in a long time, I felt like casually browsing instead of booking appointments.

My eyes light up as I see one of my favorite stores. “Vance, you take the bags back to the car. Clay, you stay with me,” I instruct as I joyfully listen to my heels click against the pavement.

I stop short, my joy stripped away, when Amanza walks out of the store, blocking my view of the pretties inside.