Page 68 of Cunning Vows

My mother will most likely not approve of her. Too cold, she would say. What can a woman like her give you?

Her. That’s all I want from her. Nothing else, and I will take it in bits and pieces if I have to.

Anya Ivanov will be mine. She just needs to wake up and smell the roses to realize there will be no me without her.

I’ll let her fuck me to feel like she’s regaining control. Meanwhile, I’ll be trying to think how I can prove myself to this fucking she-devil, and show her that she needs me as much as I need her.



The moment I come, I climb off him.

He says my name, but I’m already pulling my dress back on.

“I gave you a bonus-round fuck. Lucky you,” I say as I slip one of my heels on.

I need to get the fuck out of his house. If I don’t, I’ll stay here forever. It’s starting to feel like its own little oasis from the outside world and all the bullshit that’s happening. I can’t depend on him for this.

“I didn’t use protection,” River says, turning to his side on the bed.

“I won’t fall pregnant, so unless you have a disease…”

“No. I haven’t fucked anyone for months, and I used protection. Before that, I was checked.” I slip my other heel on. “Why won’t you get pregnant?” he asks.

“I fixed that situation years ago,” I reply.

I turn to leave, but he grabs my wrist. I try to free myself, avoiding his gaze. “We’re done now, right? Your blackmail didn’t work. I want you out of the city.”

“Look at me,” he says, and tries to navigate my chin toward him, but I pull away. “Look at me,” he says again, and it’s the same tone he used when he told me to crawl to him. And as I did then, I listen.

“Live a little for yourself. You’re spooked because I told you I want to marry you. Is that it? Is that all it takes to crumble the mighty Anya Ivanov?” he prods.

“Don’t pretend you know me,” I spit.

“I’m learning about you, and that’s what terrifies you. Run all you want, but I will always find you. I’ll prove to you over and over again why we’re so good for each other.”

“So you can have a slice of my business and money? Isn’t that all you’ve wanted?” I seethe, and I realize they’re not even my thoughts or words anymore. They’re Meredith’s.

His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “You think I’m only here for the business? Let me assure you that if that’s all I wanted, I would’ve stolen it from you the moment I arrived here.”

I scoff as I yank myself free. “Our debt is settled.”

“Not in the slightest, Red,” he calls out behind me as I storm out of his room. “Didn’t you say we had to discuss business? Or are you just going to run off again as soon as it all gets a little too real?”

“Fuck off.” I flick him my middle finger as I dash down the stairs. As I hit the last step, Barry and Stan run up to me, tails wagging. I look over my shoulder and see River isn’t following me.

Thank fuck. I realize now that when I storm out, he gives me space. Other times, he’s entirely overbearing.

I crouch down and quickly pat the dogs. “You’re lucky you guys are cute,” I say quietly because I just can’t help myself. I might be pissed off at their asshole of a fur dad, but not them.

“Anya.” I hear him call out from the stairs, but I hurry out the door to the garage before he can catch up, grabbing his car keys on my way. I go straight to his car and start her up.

I’m reversing out of the garage by the time he reaches the door. He stands there, naked and smiling, arms crossed over his chest, shaking his head with disbelief. I flick him the middle finger again.

“Leave me the fuck alone, or I’ll use this car for target practice next!”

I zip out of the garage and onto the main street, all to enter the next driveway.