Page 62 of Cunning Vows

“Maybe Amanza wants to watch?” I purr and turn to Amanza. “Do you want to watch? I mean, he’s told me he would fuck me before and left me high and dry, so you may end up disappointed like I was.” I smirk.

“That’s it.” He stands, and as he does, he picks me up and places me on my feet, keeping hold of my waist.

“Michael, you can finish up here. Seems someone needs a cock in her fucking mouth to learn to keep our business private.”

I drop the good girl charade and pull out of his grasp. “Finally, we can get to business. I need to speak with you.”

The hostess avoids my gaze as we walk out the front door.

“Get in the car,” he growls. “And it’s not a suggestion. And no, your men aren’t going to be following us,” he says as he opens the passenger door. I signal to my men to stay back.

I can handle River Bently, even if this goes bad.

I slide into the car and wait for him to get in on the other side.

“We’re getting this fucking blackmail shit out of the way, and then we need to discuss my brother—”

He angles my head toward him and slams his lips against mine. Hard, impatient, and unrelenting. His tongue slides easily through my parted lips, and I melt into him. One week was too long. No, I shouldn’t be craving this part of him. This isn’t what I came for. Yet my body acts on its own, pulling him in closer by the collar.

Am I actually crazy?

Have I really fallen?

No. It’s not possible.

Who had I ever kissed before River Bently?

I don’t even remember.

But his kiss makes up for all the ones I don’t recall.

Just as I go to slide my hands through his hair, he pulls back, that gaze telling me more than I can understand in words.

River Bently is a dangerous man because he doesn’t just want my business.

He wants me.

I can’t betray my family for him, can I?

“You took too long to return, Red.”

“I don’t chase,” I say as I lean back, trying to sort through my thoughts.

“Last time I saw you, you were shooting holes into my car. So that gives room for a little bit of groveling.”

I bark a laugh. “Me? Grovel? River, are you going to fuck me tonight or not?”

“I thought you once said you do the fucking,” he says with an arrogant smile. “We’ll talk business after.”

“And then that’s it. We’re done after that, right?”

He laughs. “Oh, Anya, we’ve only just begun.”



My dogs are barking the minute we pull up to my house and I park in the garage. They arrived the day after Anya successfully freaked the fuck out over a kiss, and I was so fucking happy to see both of them. Getting out of the car and moving to the other side to open her door, she steps out and follows me through the garage. She looks at my multitude of sports cars.