Page 52 of Cunning Vows

I lean over with my hand on the table, as if I’m letting her in on a secret. “Sometimes I let them fuck me with their mouths. Other times, it’s for protection. But mostly, it’s because I can afford eye candy instead of hiding behind an innocent girl’s persona. Is that all?”

“I don’t know what he sees in you,” she says, shocked by my words.

“That’s enough,” River says to Amanza, who’s stunned that she’s being scolded, as he places his hand on my lower back before he steers me away.

I tentatively look at the fork on the table, and River casually pushes it away. “You’re not stabbing someone with a fork in my restaurant,” he whispers into my ear. It’s loud enough for her to hear, and her eyes go wide.

“At least your restaurant might be known for something, then,” I reply as I smile and wriggle my fingers at her to say goodbye.

“Sir, are you leaving already?” Michael asks as he stands at the other end of the table.

“Deal with the rest of the evening for me, Michael. I’m escorting Anya.”

“Sorry?” I say. “Our evening together is done.”

“It’s done when I say it is,” River says as he guides me to the entrance. The two cars are already waiting as my guards step out behind us into the cool evening air.

River opens the passenger door of his car and addresses my men. “I’ll be taking her.” They don’t take orders from him, so they look at me instead. I internally sigh. Fuck, this asshole is determined. I don’t like the idea of introducing anyone to Meredith, but who knows, maybe she’ll throw a kitchen knife at him and put me out of my misery.

I give a simple nod, and he shuts my door before he rounds the hood and gets in the car.

“Where am I going?” he asks as he rolls up his sleeves to reveal his tattooed arms. I tell him Meredith’s address as he drives. I look at my phone, out of habit now, hopeful that Alek might’ve replied.

“You were jealous,” he says after a moment of silence.

“W-what?” I choke out.

“You asked about Amanza because you were jealous.”

A crazed laugh escapes me. Me? Jealous? Impossible.

“No, let’s not get our facts wrong. I was not jealous, Lake.” I smile at him.

“If you say so, Tanya.”

“I do say so,” I tell him, not taking my eyes off him. “Is this whole facade a power thing? You want me because I’m powerful and you’re curious how I fuck?”

“No,” he says calmly. I’m disappointed that he doesn’t give me more bite.

“So why?”

“It’s an Anya thing,” he says with a smirk. “Though, I do want to know how you fuck. I want to know how else to elicit those noises from you when cake isn’t involved.” He turns to look at me then, and I try to hide the smile that dares mar my usual unmoving features.

“I like cake.”

“And jewels,” he adds.

“Yes, I’m a simple girl with simple pleasures,” I say, and as it leaves my mouth, it sounds like a lie.

“You are far from simple, Red. I doubt you have a simple bone in your fucking body.”



Ilick my lips as I look away from River and see Meredith’s mansion come into view. As soon as we pull up, the front door opens, and the old bitch is on her porch in a silk robe, hair in a messy bun, with big-ass earrings hanging from her ears, waiting impatiently.

I open the car door before River has the chance, and when he gets out of the car, she narrows her gaze on him. Perhaps it wasn’t such a great idea to bring him after all. Wishful thinking and all, she might still sic the dogs on him.