Page 42 of Cunning Vows

“Who is this?” I ask. He wipes a hand over his face, his muscles flexing as he does.

“My niece.”

“You have family?”

“My sister is dead. That’s her daughter.”

I look at the picture of them, my eyebrows knitting together. I think about the parents I saw today, happily playing with their children. The normalcy of lovers hand in hand.

What did I come here for? Sex. Why am I asking him about his personal life?

What the fuck am I doing? Why did I come here?

A chill runs down my spine, and suddenly I feel like I’m going to be sick. Surely, I didn’t come here for… companionship?

I’m not a woman who would chase a man, ever. It’s never been necessary. When I was old enough, I understood the power of attraction and knew I had it. So I used it. A woman has to use whatever is at her disposal to get where she wants in life. It’s easier for men. I wanted to make it easier for me. So I did.

Is River doing that very same thing to me?

“Anya, what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours right now?” he says as he rubs soap against his body, and I know he’s doing it on purpose. Every part of me is screaming to leave. But I need to ensure that I get exactly what I came here for. Because if I don’t, then that means I really did come here for companionship.

I hike up my skirt and widen my legs. “Not much thinking at all. Just wondering if you’re going to fuck me or not,” I say as I rub against my sensitive bud with my pussy on full display.

His jaw tics, and his facial expression changes. It gives me satisfaction to know that although he might’ve been in control, naked and looking like a god, I can take that power back.

I rub myself as he watches, and his cock grows harder. “I need you,” I say with an innocent tone.

A haunting laugh escapes him. “You don’t need anything or anyone, Red. Not yet.”

And it’s the challenge in his tone, the exasperation that he still thinks I will ever become his, that makes me want to run for the door just as quickly. If I fuck him now and a second time, then the contract is mostly done. Right?

I hop off the counter and saunter to the shower. He watches my every move as I open the door and step in. My white shirt immediately becomes see-through, and his hand automatically trails up my outer leg as he pushes my skirt farther up.

I suck in a breath as we stare at one another, more intimately than I have with any other. I grab his cock, and the cord in his neck pulses at my touch. I’m not the only one who’s been holding out.

“You could slip in those heels,” he growls and pins my back against the tiled wall.

“You’ll catch me, though, right?” I say innocently, and I can tell it’s working magic on him. Someone like River needs submission. An innocent doe, which is the furthest thing from what I will ever be. But I wonder if I tell myself that to keep him at arm’s length.

That startling realization hits me hard, but then his hand cups my pussy, and the worry falls away as he pumps me with a finger.

Neither of us looks away as we hold one another, trying to force the other to submit first. Trying to see who will break. I offer a smile and trail my fingers down his ridiculously chiseled stomach. Fuck me, it’s divine.

I rub against his hand, riding that single finger, hoping he adds more. I need more from him. His gaze dips to my pierced nipples on full display under the white shirt.

He grabs my throat, and the painful pressure causes a pounding in my core. Fuck, I want him.

“I’m not going to fuck you, Red,” he says, but I’m certain I can make him regret those words. Every man has fallen to their knees for me and given me exactly what I want, when I’ve demanded it.

River’s grip shifts as his thumb begins to stroke my jaw, and the touch feels different. Intimate. Gentle. I don’t let the uncertainty show on my face.

I fuck. That’s it. And I currently have an itch to scratch, and that’s all, I remind myself.

“Don’t you want to taste me?” I encourage, trying to divert his expression from how intensely he’s staring at me.

His head dips, and I’m startled by the feather-light touch of his lips against mine. My hand freezes on his cock as his tongue pushes against mine, demanding. I’m swept into him momentarily, wanting to curl my hands through his hair and pull him in.

I push him away and almost slip in the water on the floor of the shower. He catches me by my elbow, but I’m quick to break free and stumble out.