Page 99 of Snared Rider

“What about eighteen?” I ask, tracing my fingers across his chest. I’m pushing my luck, but I like to needle him. Logan’s far too serious for his own good sometimes.

“I remember that too. Just about.”

He says ‘just about’ because his eighteenth birthday had also been his patch party. He received his prospect kutte the same day and the lads threw him a hell of a bash. Me, the other women and non-Club members were allowed to stay in the clubhouse until ten o’clock. Once we were booted out, the real party began—at least that is what I heard.

All thoughts of birthdays and patches dissipate as Logan moves to trail kisses down my neck. He finds my mouth then pulls me on top of him. His hard body beneath me feels amazing and I can’t stop from rubbing against him a little as we continue to kiss. His hand goes to my nape, while the other strokes up my back. My tongue works against his until I’m panting breathlessly and my body is heavy with need.

I feel his reluctance as he pulls back but keeps his face close to mine.

“I hate to be a spoilsport,” he says softly, “but we need to get up. I’ve got a Club run to do this morning.”

His words make me frown, but before I can say anything he adds, “I’ll be finished well before your party, baby.” He rubs his nose against mine. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Despite Logan saying we need to be up, we take our time getting showered and dressed before we eat breakfast. Logan then leads me out to his car (riding had been far too dangerous with the blindfold on) and drives me home. He rests his hand on my thigh the entire way, his other lazily holding the steering wheel as he navigates Kingsley’s roads. I love the feel of him there, the intimacy of the gesture, the possessiveness. I just love him, and my fingers trace circles against the back of his hand as we drive in comfortable silence.

As usual, he stops the car a few houses down from Dad’s. Then, he leans across to the passenger seat and kisses me senseless. When he’s done, he leans his forehead against mine, his hands cupping my cheeks.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Have a good day and I’ll see you later, yeah?”

I smile. “Yeah.”

Except I don’t see him later. My party starts at seven p.m. and there’s no sign of him. I’m kept busy by all the fussing since the old ladies really went to town tonight, but I can’t help but glance towards the main doors, hoping to see Logan come through them.

Still, I try to enjoy the night and not worry. The clubhouse common room is covered in purple and white balloons, streamers, banners and more glitter than is probably safe.

And presents. So many presents.

Tap gifts me a set of leather riding gloves that must have cost a small fortune while Derek gives me a cheque for a grand. I nearly fall of my stool.

Grandad buys me a beautiful necklace that I love while Dad gives me an assortment of small presents that are quirky and personal.

But there is no sign of Logan.

As the hours crawl on and the party continues, I become more and more concerned. Where is he? Why isn’t he here? He said he would be and yet it’s nearly ten. Has something happened to him? Has he had an accident?

I try to call his mobile phone, but it goes straight to voicemail. This only ramps up my concern even further.

I see Dad at the bar and head over to him. As soon as I approach, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me to his side.

“There’s the birthday girl.”

Despite my worry I smile. It’s hard not to in the face of Dad’s affectionate grin.

“Are you having a good time, love?”

“Yeah, thank you—for arranging this, and for my presents.”

And I mean it because he and the old ladies did so much to make tonight special for me. He waves off my thanks.

“You’re only twenty once.”

I glance around the room once more, hoping to see Logan magically appear but he doesn’t. Finally, I bite the bullet and say, “I’ve seen everyone tonight apart from Logan.”

Dad shifts against the bar slightly, his hand tightening on his pint but his smile stays in place. “He’s doing an errand for Derek. He’ll be here as soon as he can. Don’t worry girly, you’ll get his present.”