Logan isn’t as fast to move. He pauses, as if he wants to say something to me. Then, he changes his mind and limps back towards his office. I don’t miss the look he gives me as he passes me. It is a look filled with worry, irritation and regret.
I avert my gaze because I can’t bring myself to look at him.
Wade waits until Logan shuts the door, leaving the two of us alone before he speaks.
“Fucking idiots.” His eyes search my face; he’s worried, and that makes me worry. “Do you need to go back to the hospital?”
“No,” I tell him, although the word is forced between gritted teeth. I could definitely do with some more of those lovely drugs the doctors gave me, but I’m not admitting that to Wade. “I’m just winded. I’m fine.”
His expression is sceptical, but thankfully he lets it go. “Do you think you can stand? I can help you if you need it.”
I nod and he lifts me off the floor as if I weigh nothing. Wade may be a big, bulky guy but he’s surprisingly gentle as he helps me from sitting to upright. However, the movement still jostles my ribs and I can’t stop the gasp that claws out of my mouth.
God, that hurts.
I don’t release my hold on him as he steadies me on my feet. This is because my head is spinning and I’m struggling to draw in breath. I close my eyes, dragging air in through my nose until the pain subsides to nothing more than a dull ache.
Only then do I reopen them.
Wade’s dark eyes peer down at me as I try to regain control.
“Better?” he asks.
I nod, even though I’m not even close to better.
He turns to look at the door Logan disappeared through, his mouth tugging into an unhappy grimace. “Do you want to tell me what the hell that was about?”
I avert my gaze. I most definitely do not want to tell him anything. It’s bad enough Dean knows, and as soon as I’m able to walk under my own steam I’m finding him and swearing him to silence. If that was Dean’s reaction, I dread to think what Dad will do when he discovers Logan and I were together—even if it was a decade ago and we were both legal and consenting.
When I keep silent, Wade says, “Okay, I get it. You don’t want to spill. I respect that, but I’ve got to know, sweetheart; this shit between those two: is it done, or is it going to remain an issue?”
I lick my dry lips, wishing I could give him a different answer but honestly, I’ve never seen Dean so angry.
“I would keep them apart,” I say softly.
“I figured you’d say that.” He studies me. “Are they fighting over you?”
“Not in the way you think, but yeah.”
Dean sees this as Logan taking advantage of me, as disrespecting the brotherhood. Logan sees it differently. To be honest, so do I. I was young and probably (definitely) naive back then, but I wasn’t stupid. Logan didn’t coerce me into doing anything I didn’t want to. I was there willingly because my need for him, my desire to have him, far outweighed my fear of what could happen if things went wrong.
I don’t blame Dean’s anger, not really. He feels betrayed by two people he trusted implicitly. We hurt him by lying.
That said, after witnessing Dean’s reaction I’m glad Logan and I kept quiet about our relationship. I can only imagine what Dad’s reaction will be if he ever finds out, but if it’s half as violent as Dean’s we’re heading for disaster.
Wade gives my arm a gentle squeeze, bringing me back into the here and now. I look at him, unable to stop the furrow marring my brow.
“You need help to your room?”
Since I don’t have a room here (no way am I using Logan’s), I shake my head. “I’m in the TV room, but I can manage.”
This might be an exaggeration, but I don’t want to put Wade out; the man has already done enough.
My eyes slide up to the darkening bruise starting to form on his forehead.
“Does it hurt?” I ask.
Wade’s fingers move to the egg on his temple, gently probing the area. “It’s not too bad.” He gives me a grin that under normal circumstance would have got me hot under the collar. Right now, I’m too exhausted to notice. “Luckily, I’ve got a hard head. I can take a punch. Besides, those two hit like girls.”