“I hate that you got caught up in this shit, Beth. I never intended for that to happen. But I’m not sorry this means you’re staying longer. I’ve liked having you around this week. It’s been good. Like the old days.”
This makes me smile because it has been good (besides avoiding Logan… and nearly becoming roadkill).
“You don’t need to be sorry, Dean. What you did for Olivia was brave.”
His gaze snaps towards me.
“How the hell do you know about—” He breaks off, then he sighs. “Clara opened her mouth.”
I don’t confirm or deny his assumption, but I don’t need to because it’s obvious Clara told me. Outside of the brothers, she’s the only other person who knows about the situation. She’s also the only person I’ve had contact with since leaving the hospital other than Dad and Logan.
“She tell you everything?” Dean asks.
I don’t respond. I love Dean but this is definitely one situation where hoes over bros stands firm. I don’t need to because my silence is apparently incriminating enough.
“You girls…” He sighs and stares at his tattooed hands clasped together on top of the blanket “I did what I had to in order to save Liv. I didn’t think the cost of that would be you getting hurt.”
I reach out, taking his hands in mine.
“I’m fine, Dean.” And I am. All right, I’m sore, but I’m hardly on death’s door. And given the bigger picture, it’s hard to be upset about it. At least, it’s hard to be upset with Dean. Simon Wilson is another matter. I want to punch him square in the nose.
My words do little to assuage Dean, however. “Broken ribs, a concussion—what part of that is fine?”
“The part where I’m still breathing.”
He snorts, his head dipping. “Yeah, and I’m thankful for that, but it’s not the point. You should never have been in the firing line in the first place.”
“Well, what’s done is done, Dean. You can’t dwell on it. At the end of the day I’m still here and that’s what matters, right?”
He stares at me a beat, then says softly, “Yeah, princess, that’s what matters. And as for Wilson… I don’t know what he’ll do next but coming here, putting himself in the path of the Club, it’s not smart.” His knuckles brush over the back of my hand as he says, “I promise you right here, right now; what he did to you, to me—he’ll pay for that, Beth. I’ll make sure of it.”
The dark menace in his voice scares me. I’m not afraid of Dean, but I am worried about what lies ahead. Wilson is unpredictable, and that is frightening.
“Dean, he’s dangerous. You need to keep away from him.”
Dean shakes his head. “I can’t do that. Wilson will get his comeuppance. But you don’t need to worry because he won’t touch you again. I’ll keep you safe—the Club will keep you safe.”
I’m sure he—and the Club—will keep me safe, but that isn’t the point. I don’t want him in danger because of me. However, the set of his jaw tells me there is no point arguing this with him. His mind is made up and nothing I say will change that.
“Since we’re on lockdown together,” I say, “do you want to watch this with me?”
I nod my head towards the paused movie. I was working through one of those big action flicks before Rabbit came in earlier.
Dean stares at the screen, then shifts his shoulders.
“Yeah, Princess, why not?”