“Like they give a fuck about unfair, B.”
This is true, but still. “Talk to Derek.”
“It won’t matter. My going helps the Club, which is all Prez and Slade are thinking about.”
“What do they want you to study?” I’m genuinely curious; I can’t imagine Cambridge teaches ‘Biking for dummies’.
“Accounting.” He brushes his sandy-coloured hair from his forehead. “I go and I get an instant seat at the table as Treasurer when I get back. Do you know how long it would take me to work up to that rank, B? Fucking forever. But I have to study for three years to get there.”
This would be hell for Jem because as bright as he is, he’s also lazy. He aced all his exams without lifting a finger. I can only imagine how well he would do at university, which is probably what Derek also sees. I suspect most of his reluctance stems from the fact he will have to leave home for such a long time. Jem might be easy-going, but family is everything to him. Three years may as well be a hundred and three.
“I think you should go.”
He blinks at me. “You do?”
“Yeah, I do. It’s a hell of an opportunity, Jem. And you are smart. It would be a shame to waste that talent. Plus, if it helps the Club, isn’t that a good thing?”
Scratching absently at his throat, he considers me with an unhappy frown. “Since when did you become Little Miss Logical?”
“I’ve always been logical.”
“Yeah, right.”
I resist the urge to throw something at his stubborn head. “It’s three years, Jem. Then you come back and you fast-track to the grown-ups table. How is that a bad thing?”
“It’s not.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
He scowls. “I hate being forced into doing shit.”
Oh, for the love of God...
“It’s university, Jem, not boot camp. It’ll be fun. There’s parties and girls and… parties.”
“If it’s so fun how come you didn’t go?”
Initially, I didn’t go because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life; now, I’m not going because of Logan. Leaving him is not an option. I can’t tell Jem this, though, because Logan, for some reason, wants to keep us a secret.
“Well, maybe I will,” I lie, then add, “Truthfully, I’ve not decided what I want to do with my life yet.”
Marry Logan, have mini-Harlows…
I keep this to myself.
“I’d pick something fast before the Club decide they need you.”
I smile at his grumbling and glance back towards the bar. Tap and Derek are still talking but Logan is gone. I scan the room, but I don’t see him anywhere. I know what it means; he’s waiting for me outside. It’s a game we’ve been playing for weeks. Anticipation tingles through me as I push to my feet.
“I’ve got to visit the little girl’s room.” I pause, then add, “Go to university, Jem. You might actually learn something.”
I don’t head to the bathroom but slip into the corridor outside the common room. As I expect, Logan’s leaning against the wall, one booted foot on the floor, the other pressed against the plaster. His lips twitch at the corners when he sees me.
“I didn’t think you were coming.”
“I was talking to your brother. He doesn’t seem particularly thrilled with his education proposition.”
“He’ll get over it. Now, enough about Jem.” Logan seizes my hand and pulls me up the corridor. I have to jog a little to keep up with his long stride but I manage, just about.