Page 49 of Snared Rider

I nod against his chest and I feel him tense at my confirmation.

“I really am going to kill him.” He pulls back and looks down at me. “Let’s get some sleep.”

This surprises me; I thought he’d want to get back on the road right away, but given it’s nearly four am, maybe I should have expected he’d want to rest.

Still, I ask, “You don’t want to start back now?”

“Darlin’, I’ve been awake nearly twenty-two hours. I was exhausted before I left Kingsley; now, I’m dead on my feet. I need a couple of hours shut-eye before I get back on the road.” He gives me a wry smile. “I didn’t drive all this way for you to end up in a ditch.”

“Oh,” I murmur. His words make me feel guilty as hell. He was exhausted and still drove four and a bit hours to get to me. “I’m sorry.”

“Sweetheart, while there’s a lot of crap you should be sorry for—namely, lying to your dad and putting yourself in danger—don’t be sorry for asking me for help. Never be sorry for that.”

His hand goes to the side of my face and I lean into his touch. I shouldn’t, I know I shouldn’t but all the stress of today comes out and I need the contact.

“Come on. Get ready for bed.”

I frown at him and then at the bed. Since there is only one, I make a beeline for the armchair pushed against the wall.

“What’re you doing?” Logan demands as I sink into the lumpy cushions. This is going to be a crappy night’s sleep.

“Getting settled.”

“Beth, you’re not sleeping there.” He shakes his head. “I’ll take the chair; you have the bed.”

“No chance. You drove miles and you have miles to go tomorrow. You need the sleep more than I do. Plus, you’re only here because of me.”

“You’re still not sleeping on the chair. Shift.”

He’s not going to budge on this but no way in hell can I let him sleep there all night. He’s a tall guy; he’ll be stiff by the morning. I glance at the bed, uncertainty running through me. Would it be wrong for us to share a bed? I mean, we’re just going to sleep. Since we’ve known each other all our lives it shouldn’t be a big deal. I would not have qualms about sharing a bed with Dean or Jem or Adam. Then again, I’ve never fantasised about fucking their brains out.

Against my better judgement, I wring my hands together and mutter, “We can share the bed. There’s space for both of us.”

His eyes snap in my direction and I see something in that look: uncertainty, maybe something else.


“It’s just a bed, Logan. We’re only going to sleep.”

Does he… does he want… more? The look in his eyes as he stares at the bed is something I’ve never seen from him.


It makes my mouth dry and my heart race, but it passes so quickly I’m not sure I didn’t imagine it.

“If you’re sure.”

I nod, even though I’m totally not sure. Having him that close to me, in bed…

I swallow hard and climb under the covers fully clothed.

“Are you not getting changed?”


“Well, I can’t. All my stuff is in the back of Ryan’s car.”

Logan takes a steadying breath.