“And the money you make non-legitimately?”
He stares at me a beat, then says, “Doesn’t touch the legitimate dealings. Jem makes sure of that.”
This does not surprise me, but I am surprised he told me this.
“Aren’t you breaking some kind of Illuminati code by telling me this stuff?”
His brows nearly disappear into his hairline. “Darlin’, we’re bikers, not the fucking Masons.”
He almost sounds convincing.
“That line might work on the police, but I wasn’t born yesterday. I know more than you think.”
“Yeah?” He looks at me. “And what do you think you know?”
I lean into him and stage-whisper, “You sell drugs.”
If it surprises him that I know this he doesn’t show it. “Who told you that?”
I give him a hard look. “I’m not revealing my source.”
This gets me a sigh from Logan that is definitely annoyed. I’m testing his patience.
“I have money put aside. Money that’s all proper and accounted for. If you want it, it’s yours.”
“I don’t want to be tied up with the Club—especially considering the mess I’m already in.”
“It’s not Club money—it’s mine, and for the record this shit with Dean isn’t Club-related either.”
“Yeah, I know.”
His eyes narrow. “How do you know?”
Clara Thomas sung like a canary.
I fold my arms over my chest and snag the Gin bottle. “I’m not revealing my source.”
There is a pause and I can practically see the cogs turning in his head. Then he snorts before he mutters, “Clara.”
What the fuck? How did he come to that conclusion so frigging fast? “No, it was not Clara.”
I may be drunk, but I know the rules: us girls have to stick together.
“She’s the only other person in the building who knows what’s going on. It has to be Clara.”
Hmm. Logan’s powers of deduction are better than I anticipate. Even though lying is pointless at this time, I keep my face impassive as I say, “Well, she didn’t tell me anything.”
He shakes his head. “Babe, Clara’s not going to get into trouble for saying shit.”
Yeah right.
My scepticism must show because he adds, “She won’t. She shouldn’t have said anything, true, but it’s hardly a secret this bloke is out there. Better you know and are prepared.”
This is something I wholeheartedly agree with. Secrets just make things complicated. I can attest to this first hand.
I pick at the bottle label, my brow pulling tight. “It’s good that the Club helped Wilson’s wife.”
“It was the right thing to do.”