Page 144 of Snared Rider

“Dean and Jem didn’t,” I mutter, feeling deflated. I had expected… what?

A blow-up?

A major argument?

Screaming and yelling?

Am I disappointed he knew all this time? Damn straight. I could have avoided a lot of pain and heartache if I’d known this at the time.

The anticlimactic nature of this conversation leaves me feeling wrung out.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me you knew?”

Dad shrugs. “It wasn’t my business. You and him were adults. It wasn’t my place to say shit. I figured you’d both announce it when you were ready. When you didn’t I figured it had come to a natural conclusion.”

That natural conclusion consisting of Logan ripping my heart out in the name of protecting me. I doubt Dad knows that part of the story, and I am definitely not going to tell him.

I hold a mean grudge, which is a gift I inherited from the man in front of me.

“You’re not mad?”

“Mad?” He shakes his head. “Why in the hell would I be mad?”

“I don’t know. Doesn’t it break some kind of brother code, him sleeping with me.”

His eye twitches at my words and I want to shove them back into my mouth. “Jesus fucking Christ, Beth. I don’t need to hear about him—or anyone for that matter—sleeping with you. But no, darlin’. Shit, if we followed that rule half the current generation wouldn’t be here. To be honest, I felt relieved he was with you.”

I gawk at him. “You were relieved?”

Dad rubs the back of his neck again. “Being a parent is hard. Being a parent to a teenage daughter is harder still. I spent so much time worrying about you, wondering if you were going to get into a situation you couldn’t deal with, that you might come home pregnant or something. Knowing you were with Logan… it took the pressure off a little. I knew he’d look after you. I knew he’d always keep you safe.

“Did I wish you two would just tell everyone you were together? Sure. But I was young once. I know you don’t believe that when you look at me now with all this grey hair and all these wrinkles, but I was. I remember what first love feels like. I remember wanting to keep that shit secret and enjoy it.” He lets out a long breath and takes my hands in his. “Is this the reason Logan and Dean got into it?”

I should be surprised Dad knows about their fight, but I’m not. These boys gossip.

I nod. “Dean wasn’t too happy about it. He thought he needed to defend my honour.” I roll my eyes, earning a laugh from Dad.

“Well, even if his reasons were misguided I like that he thinks like that. It tells me if anything ever happens to me you’ve got people around you that will take care of you.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to you.”

He squeezes my hands. “Of course not, darlin’, but it gives me peace of mind all the same.”

I glance at my lap and wince. “I still love him.”

I don’t need to explain because Dad knows who I’m talking about.

“I know that.”

“You do?”

“Anyone with eyes can fucking tell you still love him. And he loves you.” Dad leans back in his chair.

“I do, and he does,” I agree.

He tilts his head to the side, considering me. “You want some advice from your old man?” I nod. “Life is fucking short. It can be turned upside down on a penny. This morning is a prime example of how life can go spectacularly to shit in half a second. Logan’s going to be fine, but things could have easily gone the other way. You have to take chances and live life like every day’s your last because it could be.”

This is true, so very true.

“I know.”

“So, if you know it wipe that look off your face, the one that says you’re worrying if shit’s going to work out and just see where this thing goes. Quit trying to plan everything and just live in the now, kid.”

And that is really good advice.