Page 48 of Finding Atonement

He starts toward the hallway and I hesitate for a split second before following him. This wasn’t exactly how I imagined staying over the first night with him. For a start, he wouldn’t be on the couch, but in the bed.

He leads me into a large room, with a huge King-sized bed and a few dressers. There are very few personal touches in here. It seems almost perfunctory.

“The bathroom is through the door there and anything you need just help yourself to.”

“I need something to sleep in.”

He swallows hard as I say this and heads for the dresser. He pulls out a tee and pair of joggers. They look big, but right now I can’t be choosy.


As I take them our hands scrape over each other’s and my eyes meet his. I want desperately to kiss him, but I’m feeling a little unsure if I should or not.

He takes this decision out of my hands by dipping his head and pressing his mouth to mine.

“Sleep well. I’m just downstairs if you need me.”

He reaches the door before I say his name. When he looks back, I simply say, “Thank you. For everything.”

“It’s fine. Goodnight, Nia.”

“Goodnight, Jared.”

He closes the door behind him, leaving me standing in his room holding his clothes to me like a protective blanket.