Page 30 of Finding Atonement

“Ex-husband,” I correct.

Jared’s anger moves from dangerous to catastrophic. “You put your hands on a woman you once professed to love?”

“I still love her, although fuck knows why.”

Jared’s face twitches and darkness clouds his expression.

I step in before things get heated. The tension is already thick.

“You should leave.”

“Yes, you should,” Thomas says.

“I meant you.”

He snaps his gaze to me. “I want to talk through this.”

“It didn’t look like there was much talking happening,” Jared grinds out.

“This isn’t anything to do with you.”

Thomas shrinks back as Jared steps into his space. I don’t blame him. He’s a huge man and his Army training is still ingrained. He put Thomas in that headlock without so much as a fumble.

“It’s plenty to do with me when I see a man putting his hands on a woman who is smaller than him, a woman I happen to care about.”

This makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter, and not from nerves, but something more pleasant. He cares about me? Really?

“Is something going on between you?” Thomas demands, anger in his words.

“If it was that would be none of your business,” I say quietly. I’m not scared of him, not while Jared is here. I know he’ll keep me safe. It buoys me and gives me the confidence to stand up to my ex.

“We’re still married.”

“Not by choice.”

His lip pulls into a snarl and Jared seizes his shirt, shoving him roughly toward the door.

“You need to leave, now.”

Thomas isn’t keen on going, but Jared’s larger size and bulk means he’s able to easily manhandle him out of the store. I watch, my breath lodged in my throat as they have a few words on the doorstep and then Thomas straightens his clothes and takes off leaving Jared standing on the sidewalk alone. He watches for a moment, then steps back inside.

“Are you okay?”

Embarrassment floods me at having my world exposed so completely. This is the last thing I wanted him to see. I feel suddenly vulnerable and turn my back to him.

“I’m fine. Thank you. I can handle it from here.”

“Nia.” He says my name like a plea and I can’t help but glance over my shoulder. I see a mix of pity, worry and anger on his face. I hate the first two.

“It’s fine,” I repeat. “It’s nothing I’m not used to.”

My hand goes unconsciously to my neck, which I’m sure will be bruised tomorrow.

Jared moves to me. “How long has that been going on?”

I give him a tired smile. “You don’t need to feel sorry for me. I’m not some weak damsel you need to save.”

“I never thought you were. It takes incredible strength to leave a man like that.”