Page 70 of Finding Atonement


My face is on fire and I’m hurting all over. This man has been thorough with his attempt at torturing the answers out of me.

I have no idea how long I’ve been here for, but I’ve slipped into unconsciousness a few times that I’m aware of. Time has lost all meaning for me. I have no idea what is happening. He kept asking me to look at the names of appraisers and when I told him it was none of them, he disappeared from the room in a huff. I hope those people are not getting visits from this man. He’s not the friendliest.

Now, sitting alone in the semi-dark, in the cold, my stomach is churning violently. I’m sure Harry isn’t listed, so he’ll never find him on the internet, but my worry for my friend is mounting with each passing moment. I should never have brought him into this. Then again, I didn’t know this situation was going to turn out this way. How could I have known that?

I hear a noise and my heart picks up speed. I will it to slow, so I can listen, but it thumps along heavily in my ears, drowning out all other sound. There’s a pain in my chest as I hold my breath. Please don’t let this be the guy back. I can’t go another round with him. My face hurts, my eyes are already swelling and I’m sure I can still taste blood in my mouth.

I hear the noise again and fear clings to me. There was no mistaking it this time. Someone is in the house. My breath rips out of me in heavy bursts as I try and fail to calm myself.

I can’t do this anymore.

I need to do it.

I can’t roll over and let my life end here.

I steel myself, trying desperately to regain control of my turmoiling emotions.

Then the door behind me creaks and I twist, trying to see over my shoulder, but the bindings don’t allow for much movement. I close my swollen eyes, calling on my strength.


The voice isn’t my abductor’s. It’s a voice I didn’t think I’d hear again. It’s Jared. My eyes pop open—as much as they can anyway—and look into the face of the man I love.

Yes, I love Jared Michaels and I’m not afraid of what that means. Not any longer.


My voice cracks and I don’t miss his flinch when it does.

“I’m going to get you out of here, baby. Just hold on.”

I feel tugging on my wrists and then they’re free. Beanie moves to my ankles and slices through the ropes there with a flick knife. I notice Jared is holding a gun, as is Slider.

A shiver runs through me as I stare at the weapons—weapons I hope they don’t have to use.

“Last rope,” Beanie mutters and slices through the rope.

As soon as I’m free, I throw myself into Jared’s arms. He kneels in front of the chair and holds me against him, his hand at the back of my neck.

He kisses me then pulls me back and peers into my face. I can see the storm cloud growing in his eyes as he catalogs my injuries.

“We need to go,” I say. “He’ll be back…”

“Yeah, sweetheart, I’m banking on it.”

My heart stutters. “We can’t be here when he is,” I tell Jared, my panic starting to mount.

He kisses me again. “We know what we’re doing, baby, trust me. We need to get this guy out of your life, so he can’t come at you again.”

The sound of a door has me drawing in breath. “He’s back.”

Jared pulls me up from the chair, but my legs are numb from sitting for so long, so I half fall into his arms.

“Can you stand on your own?” he asks, his voice barely a low rumble.

I nod, because I’ll stand even if it kills me.