Page 64 of Finding Atonement

“Uh, this is her…” I pause. We haven’t declared what we are to each other, but I’m sure we’re official now. “Boyfriend.” I settle on the word, which feels so useless in this moment. “Who are you?”

“An old friend. Does Nia know you have her phone?” He sounds pissed, and I don’t blame him. I just came across like a grade A controlling asshole. Considering her ex…

“Her phone was dumped and there’s no sign of her. You’re the last person she spoke to. Did she seem weird to you?”

There’s a long pause, then a muttered, “Fuck.”

“What does that mean? Do you know something?”

He sighs, sounding agitated. “Of course not!”

“What were you in contact about?”

“A portrait she’s having appraised. It’s worth a lot of money.”

This makes me sit up and take notice. “How much?”

“None of your business.”

I resist the urge to lose my temper on this guy. “I think Nia is in danger. Please, if you know something, I need to know it.”

I hear him audibly swallow down the line. “She’s in trouble?”

“Her car is still parked outside the store, but someone dumped her phone in the trash. I’m guessing that wasn’t Nia.”

“Especially not after she just learned she’s sitting on a million-dollar fortune.”

My eyes flare. “What?”

“The portrait I’m appraising. It’s worth a fair amount, but I only told her this last night. How would someone else know?”

Hmm… that’s the question.

“Did she tell anyone else about the portrait?”

“Not as far as I know.”

“Where did it come from?” I press.

“A storage unit sale, I believe.”

“So, someone could have known about it being in the storage unit?”

“It’s possible.”

“Fuck,” I spit out just as I see Slider’s car pulling in behind mine. “Do you know anything about the storage unit?”

“No, but she’ll keep a record of it in her books. She’s always been meticulous about record keeping.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Please, call me when you find her.”

He sounds genuinely worried, so I soften my tone as I assure him,“I will.”

I hang up and climb out of the car, casting a brief glance at my son as I do. I don’t want him here, not even a little. I wish my mom would hurry up.

“What do you know?” Beanie asks as he and Slider approach.