“Top tier?”
“The very top.”
Holy shit. “Male or female?”
There’s a sigh, one born of emotional upheaval. “Male.”
Emmanuel Costa is dead? That lying, manipulative sack of spiteful shit is finally gone?
“Are you okay with that outcome?” I ask, knowing full well that killing a parent isn’t easy, even when you despise them.
“We both know it’s been a long time coming.”
“Yeah, it has, but that doesn’t make it any more palatable. Has everything been tidied up?” I grab the handle and slowly turn it, pulling the door open a crack to check if the coast is clear.
“Yeah. There’s nothing to worry about. The discussion I came here for has happened, and the strategy I had planned for my siblings will come to fruition. My brothers will be on their way to get Abri soon. I gather you’re still with her.”
I pull the door wider, staking out the lavish interior of a familiar house.
“Apparently I am,” I drawl, pointing my gun in front of me as I slowly trek the brightly lit hall. “It looks like I’m in your childhood home?”
“What?” Concern enters his voice. “What the fuck are you doing there?”
Good question.
“I told you your sister is crazy. When I passed out she must have driven here.” Right into the heart of the fucking lion’s den.
“Where are the sentries?”
I stalk every room, not hearing a damn peep other than Langston’s voice, the soft sweep of my shoes, and my measured breathing. “Asleep?”
“They don’t sleep. At least, they’re not meant to. You need to get out of there.”
“I will,” I whisper. “As soon as I strangle your sister.”
He laughs, faint and pained.
That inconvenience of his must be severe to have him sounding the way he does.
“As far as I’m aware, Remy and Salvo haven’t broken the news to her yet,” he adds. “I told them not to mention it over the phone. So if you’re going to fill her in, do it gently.”
“I’m not sure gently is an avenue I can take after the shit she’s pulled.” I walk past the kitchen and head toward the staircase leading to the upper level. “I assume you’re staying put for a while?”
“I’m going to need a few days. I’ll reassess after that.”
I nod, my gun still trained on the path ahead as I enter the upstairs hall. “I’ll make my way to you as soon as your brothers get here.”
“You should escort them back. They’re going to be rattled for a while.”
“Hard pass, my friend. I’d rather be fucked by a cactus.”
He may have chosen to forget the shit that went down with Remy and Salvatore recently, but my memory remains clear.
“One of them will be stepping into Lorenzo’s role,” he murmurs. “You might want to curb the hatred toward a potential new boss.”
“Like hell. When Lorenzo steps down, so do I. I won’t be doing shit for your brothers.” I approach the only closed door down a hall of empty bedrooms. “I’ve gotta go. Keep your fucking phone on.”
“I will.”