She doesn’t wait for a response. Doesn’t even acknowledge Adena’s conniving scoff. Instead, she tilts her head toward the little girl. “You’re shivering, sweetheart. Are you cold? Or just overwhelmed? You’ve been through so much. But you’re incredibly brave. I promise you’re going to be okay now. We’re going to work this out together.”
She continues to reaffirm and coo to the child while she walks down the gravel drive on bare feet.
I don’t look away, not even once they disappear into the shadows of the road. Everyone else remains quiet, as if biding time until hell inevitably breaks loose once the child is out of earshot.
But although they’re no longer in sight, I can’t blink those pretty horror-filled eyes out of my mind. Can’t quit hearing Abri beg for her daughter’s life. Can’t stop remembering how it felt to listen to them suffer.
Lorenzo clears his throat. “Are you sure you’re all right, figlio?”
I drag my attention to him, despising the unfamiliar weakness that follows every thought of Abri.
“Why the fuck is she still alive?” I snap, descending the stairs on weak knees, snatching my gun from Remy as he holds it out for me. I stride up to the smirking woman knelt on the lawn, her tenacity making my blood toxic. “Are you ready to die, bitch?” I shove the barrel of my Sig against her forehead, her smile sneering up at me.
“Stop,” Lorenzo warns. “She’s to remain alive.”
“Like hell she is.” I jab the metal harder. “She deserves death.”
“Bishop,” he warns again. “She is still my sister. She will remain alive.”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” I snarl
“You heard him.” Adena bats her lashes. “I’m his sister. I remain alive.”
I clench my teeth, my finger itching to pull the trigger, consequences be damned.
“How’s the face?” she taunts. “That’s going to be some scar. I have a funny feeling you’re going to think of me every time you look in the mirror for the rest of your life.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth,” Salvatore snaps. “Or I’ll shut it for you.”
She continues to beam up at me, eyes bright with delight while screams of revenge ring in my ears.
She needs to pay for what she’s done.
Abri and Tilly deserve to be avenged.
I press the barrel harder against her forehead, pushing her backward as she laughs.
“You will not defy me, figlio,” Lorenzo demands, grabbing the sleeve of my suit. “She can still be of use.”
“No use is worth the weakness you will show by letting her live,” I seethe. “She tried to have you killed.”
“And failed.” He lowers his voice, reining in his anger while I remain a slave to mine. “She holds the key to the Costa fortune, and her kids are entitled to their inheritance.”
“Fuck the money.”
“I agree,” Remy murmurs. “I want her dead.”
“She will not die tonight,” Lorenzo warns. “Stand down.”
I can’t do it. Can’t step away from this fucking bitch. Can’t let her get away with the nightmares she’s inflicted upon the two females I’ve grown to worship.
“Stand. Down,” he repeats slowly. Viciously.
I swing around to glare at him, my head protesting the sudden movement. “You’re making a mistake, old man. One that can’t be forgiven.”
“In time you will understand.”