Page 152 of Bishop

He’s wrong.

He’s wrong.

He’s. Wrong.

I meet his gaze with a glare. “I don’t want her back. I will never want her back.”

The words kill me, each syllable leaving a scar.

I fight the need to crumple. To vomit from self-loathing.

He stares me down, waiting for me to backtrack, but I don’t.

Not even when the sight of him begins to blur through the heat in my eyes.

“That’s enough.” Remy grabs Bishop’s shoulder. “Her decision is none of our business.”

“Fine.” Bishop’s jaw ticks as he shrugs away from the hold. “Placate her. Fucking eat up her bullshit. But it’s not what she needs.”

I glance away again, hating him…still wanting him, too.

Salvatore mutters something under his breath.

I sense hard stares being shared between the men around me yet I keep my gaze on the lawn, biting back the self-hatred that pulls me apart from the inside out.

“I think we’ve all had enough revelations for one day.” Lorenzo breaks the stretching silence. “And with the plan for Geppet somewhat sorted, I fear I now need to retire to the city and gain some much-needed rest. This old body doesn’t bounce back from injury like it once did.” He claps Salvatore on the back. “And you should return to the family home to ensure Adena doesn’t send any men to claim it. You can deliver me and my driver to a hotel on the way, leaving the rental for those who remain here.”

“I’ll go with you.” Remy’s fingers touch my wrist. “Unless you want me to stay…”

“No.” I find the strength to meet his gaze and shake my head. “There’s no need.”

“I will arrange my men for you, Abri. Just keep me updated on your plans, and I’ll see you all in the morning.” Lorenzo gives a sad smile in farewell, then turns his attention to Bishop. “Except you. We will catch up again at a later date. Enjoy your flight.”

The lines in Bishop’s jaw ripple, his animosity seeming threadbare as Lorenzo turns and hobbles toward the back of the house.

“Are you going to be okay?” Salvatore gives me a pointed look.

I nod. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Call me if you need me.”

I keep nodding even though that phone call will never happen. Even if my life was at stake.

“See you later, sis.” Remy walks after Lorenzo, Salvatore following suit.

I’m left standing with a silently brooding Bishop and an equally muted Matthew. Neither one of them break the awkwardness until the back door closes behind my other siblings.

“You might want to warn that pin-dick motherfucking brother of yours that I don’t like him,” Bishop seethes at Matthew. “And that I have no problem killing off the things I don’t like.”

My brother gives a subtle smirk. “With that assumedly accurate description of my brother’s anatomy, should I be worried you’re sleeping with him too?”

I snicker.

Bishop glowers.

Matthew continues to smirk. “Come on, Bishop. Lighten up. That pole up your ass must feel like you’re being fisted by a giant.”

“I’m light as a fucking feather, brother,” he seethes. “But it’s great to see you in such good spirits despite our situation. I take it that means you and Layla are happy to share the second bedroom tonight while I spend the midnight hours punishing your sister in the other room.”